Merrick Garland US Attorney-General B Re-conciliation Letter. B DIV

From: Merrick Garland US Attorney-General <>
Reply: <>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 13:53:02 -0800
Subject: <B>Re-conciliation Letter.</B></DIV>

Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Re-conciliation Letter.
I am very sorry my late response in contacting you because ever since
i resume this office on March 11, 2021 as the new Incumbent Merrick
Garland . Acting Attorney General I was bothered to contact you
regarding the abandon files by Mr. William Barr the Formal USA
Attorney General which he did not complete before leaving the office.
Since i resume this office, i have been bothered by so much things and
the high rate of scam i am receiving every day is the worst thing and
the main issue that makes me to cry every night because many poor
citizens always send me an email on how they lost there life saving
and borrowed from many loan companies and not able to refund back now
which has lead them to many confusion in life.
I went for a conference which was held in IMF office London and
luckily for me,the Word Bank director ( Jim Yong Kim) was there when i
raised the issue of high rate of scam and plead them to assign a
certain amount for compensation to scam victims. At the end of the
meeting the word bank director (Jim Yong Kim) was able to approved
$8.9 million USD for compensation fund and we gathered alot of email
address of scam victims from many continent of the world and luckily
for you, your email address was among the first five people to receive
to receive there fund within 48 hours.
The money is already deposited with Federal Reserve Bank and i told
them to convert the money to an Bank Transfer so that it will be easy
for you to access your fund in any Bank around the world since is a
Bank Transfer to avoid any unnecessary fees by the IMF if the fund was
to be transferred to you by wire Transfer. Finally, the Bank Transfer
is now ready and i will be coming back to the states with yours and i
want to use my hand and deliver it your house address because i also
heard how the delivery company also require for many fees and never
deliver at last.
The Federal Reserve Bank said that since you don’t have any Account
with them but the Bank Transfer was programmed by them, you are
required to send the Activation fee of $300 so that they will activate
the transfer code for you and it must be Activated before they can
release your Fund so that you will not have any problem in receiving
the money from your Bank.
The Bank Manager said that you have to send this fee via RIA only
this information
Receivers Name :
Receivers Address :
Sender’s Name:…….
Sender’s Address:…..
Please make sure you write the receivers name completely with no
mistake so that there will be no problem in receiving the money. Note:

On no Account, you will charged for any kind of additional fee
because they have assured me about that and i will make sure that the
Bank Transfer your Fund.
Kindly adhere and send the money immediately you receive this mail so
that the bank will proceed with urgent transfer of your Fund.
Note: My working ID and Guarantee Letter is attached to this mail for
Thanks for your understanding!
Merrick Garland
US Attorney-General

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