Mico Lawson Treat as Urgent.

From: "Mico Lawson" <micolawson441@gmail.com>
Reply: topchrono_courier@citromail.hu
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 00:07:01 -0700
Subject: Treat as Urgent.,

Attention: Beneficiary

Due to the US and UK Government arrangement with the World Bank and the
United Nations , African image has been destroyed by the Scam /
Fraudulent Government Officials, the World Bank and the United Nation
are Paying all the Scam victims US$1,500,000 as compensation.

So therefore, your Name and email address are among the first batch of
500 beneficiary that are to benefit the US$1,500,000 each, and it has
been made available through ATM Master Card, and it has been forwarded
to TOPCHRONO COURIER EXPRESS for the onward shipment to your address.

Furthermore, You are to contact the TOPCHRONO COURIER EXPRESS through the below email address and your Name and address to them, this will enable them ship the ATM Master Card to your address. Below is the courier company contact information:

Contact Name: Reuben Honfo
Email: topchrono_courier@citromail.hu

Contact them Immediately with your Compensation Identification Parcel
Number: FEDGOV042, as well as your Name and full Address, You should
quote the Number when contacting them to avoid embarrassment.

Thanks for your Understanding and patience.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Mico Lawson

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