TT PAYMENT Your Payment

From: "TT/PAYMENT" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 00:53:10 -0700
Subject: Your Payment


We hereby confirm receipt of part payment of US$8,500,000.00 dollars
only,into our official ESCROW account with the HSBC Bank in London by
order of the African Development Bank (ADB) in-charge of Foreign Debt
Recovery Committee on Overdue contract,lotto,Loan/ Next of Kin
payments in Africa, as indicated in our database.

We sincerely apologize for delays and advice you to STOP any further
communication with any other payment center in Europe, as well as your
associates in any of the African countries e.g, South Africa,
Nigeria,Ghana, Togo, Abidjan, Angola, Cotonou,Malaysia, for they
contributed 100% hindrances to the release of your funds.

Kindly provide us with the below information to reconfirm your details
in our database and for our prompt payment procedures.

Beneficiary’s name /
Age:………………………………………Company’s name / Rank in
Routing Number:……………..Swift

Note,that an empty account will serve as long as is still a valid account .

Our final fund release order will be forwarded to our operational
paying bank,for the immediate release of your allocation to you upon
receipt and official re-confirmation of your information.

For any further inquiry, please contact the undersigned officer as
funds will be retrieved to treasury after ten (10) business days of
this notice.

Yours In Service,

Manager,Foreign operations Dept.
Phone/Fax +27783369815

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