armie kaliff good day

From: armie kaliff <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:14:38 +0100
Subject: good day

My name is Amira Duka, from Syria, I am the only daughter of the late
Engineer Muhammed Duka of Syria, I am writing you from the Republic of
spain, where I am taking refuge because of the war and untimely death of my
parents during the political crisis of my country.

Please listen to these, My father sold his Shipping Company to a Chinese
expatriate before his death and deposited the sum of Five Million, Seven
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ 5.7 Million) in his foreign account with one of
the largest banks in England, which my names appeared as the next of kin.

It is true that we do not know in person, but I feel comfortable and open
to discuss with you this matter that had been a concern for me in this
horrible camp in which I live today, I believe that God will not abandon me
here as I prayed before contacting you with confidence in God that you
would help me because of my status as a refugee, I ask for your help to
transfer my legacy fund into your account for a good investment in your
country, and what I need from you is,

(1) To serve as custodian of these fund, since I am a young girl of 25
years old and the money is too big for me to handle.

(2) To provide a home for me to come to your country to pursue my education
and obtain a residence permit in your country.

I am offering you 45% of the total fund for your help and this is not in
any way associated with an illegal transaction, please help me out of this
terrible situation and God will bless you, I am waiting to hear from you,
because the bank is ready to transfer the fund to any foreign account that
I will provide. In my next mail, I will write to you and give you all the
necessary information's of the bank, where my late father deposited the
fund in my name as the next of kin, I'm waiting to hear from your positive
reply soon.

Yours sincerely,

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