Dr. Kingsley Moghalu Dear Beneficiary

From: "Dr. Kingsley Moghalu" <jonathangoodluck293@yahoo.com.hk>
Reply: "Dr. Kingsley Moghalu" <dr.kingsleymoghalu20011@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 16:41:12 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Dear Beneficiary

Attention Beneficiary,

This is to bring to your notice of your consignment box worth of 2.8
million usd which have been submitted to dhl courier company and
ready to deliver to your doorpost, I have paid the delivery charge of
your CONSIGNMENT BOX worth USD$2.8 million usd.

I paid it because your CONSIGNMENT BOX of USD$2.8 million usd has less
11 days to expire and when it expires,the money will go into
Government purse.

I decided to help you pay the money so that, your consignment box will
not expire,because I know that when you get your USD$2.8 million,
definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping you. Now
i want you to contact dhl courier Company with your Full Contact

1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Country:
4. Phone Number:
5. Occupation:
6. Sex:

so that they can deliver your CONSIGNMENT BOX to your designated
address without any delay. Like i stated earlier, The delivery charges
has been paid the only fee you will take care of is their Security Official Keeping Fees,
So all you have to do now is to Contact the delivery man today to avoid increase of their
Security keeping fees and let me know once you receive your consignment Box.

Email: danielubah201933@gmail.com
call or text sms on:+1 (253) 878-708
for any question.

Yours truly,

Best Regards
Dr. Kingsley Moghalu

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