2LT Allen Mastriano Re Secure Deal:

From: "2LT Allen Mastriano"<postmaster@dofus-union.com>
Reply: <allenmastrian@yandex.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2016 07:31:08 -0700
Subject: Re Secure Deal:

Hi My Friend,

I am Lieutenant Allen Mastriano, i'm serving at the 3rd HBCT/ 3ID Sledgehammer Peace keeping force deployed
to Syria, I need someone that I can trust, for urgent assistance to finalize a shipment of some Kg of Gold Nuggets out of here to a safer place for sale.
This shipment is secure, lucrative and legitimate, get back to me for more information if you can be trusted. I will explain further when i get a response from you.

2LT Allen Mastriano
US 3rd HBCT Corps.Syria.

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