Marshall Henry Sgt.Marshall

From: Marshall Henry <>
Reply: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 14:52:08 -0800
Subject: Sgt.Marshall

Dear Beloved

Permit me to tell you this, and please keep this message yourself because its sensitive to my profession as a military Personnel. I want to use this opportunity to tell you about me, my name is Sgt. Marshall H. Charles,48 years and my mother is a German and my father is an Sweden, I Graduated from Army Rangers collage in United States Of America, Currently am on PEACE KEEPING MISSION in SYRIA, i base in the border. I have decided to reveal this secret to you as the only one i can trust, i have dream and prayed over this and ask God to lead me through, i hope am with the right person. I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of $3,000,000.00 USD cash,

I want to inform you that I got this huge amount from Syria in the war front… with my troops, The enemies want to move the box of money across the border to buy chemical weapon/ammunition in the next country. But we disarmed them and retrieved there guns and the boxes that contain huge money, which my share was mentioned above.

Due to the United Nation policy (NATO) since the war started in Syria, there was an announcement that some troops will be moving to the forest on 20th of this month, I'm among the troop assign for the mission, i cannot go along with this box of money , because of that I made a special arrangement with a International Committee of Red cross aircraft to move this fund out of here.

The question remains who will be in charge of the money in my absence? This is exactly why I need your help, I guarantee you that you will not stand any risk, as I have mapped out the strategy to have this cash box moved out of here safely through diplomatic courier means, you have to keep everything confidential until you receive the fund.

I have chosen to reveal this to you after my prayer and fasting, i believe that you will not betray my trust nor thwart my dream, though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without fully knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the right person to help me receive the fund for investment purposes.

I will need your guide line for good investment advise in your country as you know am a military personnel and I do not have business idea. I promise you (30%) from the total involved $3,000,000.00 USD

Immediately after the successful transaction i will go on awol and run for my dear life because people are dying here every day and many soldiers have died, I do not want to be the next victim of bomb or gun short by the enemies.

Note: kindly keep this transaction as top secret.
I await your immediate response
Love and care,

Yours faithfully,
Sgt. Marshall H Charles
Damascus Military base Syria.

Mrs Sallah Profitable Investment

From: "Mrs Sallah" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 05:22:39 +0800
Subject: Profitable Investment

Greetings, I got your email from the internet, i'm contacting you to assist me to invest in your country with any profitable investment. I am Dr. Mrs. Josephine Sallah, a medical practitioner from Damascus, Syria. I am in an urgent need of an individual abroad who is willing to help me invest in your country; Any investment you think that is profitable in your country will be considered and also writing to seek your assistance to help me and my two young daughters achieve our aim of relocating out of Syria to your country. We are very responsible people who have the aim to invest in your country as we have the financial strength to do so. But my major concern is that we do not want to be faced with the treatment of being treated as refugees or second class citizens which so many Syrian business people who traveled out without making right contacts or proper arrangements are faced with. Due to this fact, I sincerely seek your assistance and partnership as our foreign partner who will direct and manage the affairs of our investments which we will partner with you in your home country. Even we are ready to part 40% of all the proceeds of investment to you so that you feel comfortable securing our interest. Just a quick note, for now, I will tell you more about the investment and the amount I'm looking to invest in my next email. I look forward to hearing from you as I will also need your assistance in helping us purchase a living house and as well get a good school where my children will continue with their educational careers. Best Regards, Mrs Josephine

Mirian Abdalla From Doctor Mirian Abdalla

From: Mirian Abdalla <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 09:33:13 -1200
Subject: From Doctor Mirian Abdalla

*Hello Dear*
* How are you today? **My name is Doctor Mirian Abdalla, I am from United
States of America, And also a medical **doctor who works in Syria with the
Red Cross International. Am 42 years old, single and never married
before, Please i want you to reply me back i have something important to
tell you , Please am waiting for your reply*

*Thank you. Best regards.Miss Mirian Abdalla .*

Mr Allen Jones My Dear Friend

From: Mr Allen Jones <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:24:47 +0100
Subject: My Dear Friend

My Dear Friend,

My name is Capt. Allen Jones, an officer in the US Army, serving in
the Military with the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping force in Syria.

I really need your help to assist me. If you can be trusted, I will
explain further, when i get a response from you? You will be rewarded
handsomely if you could help me.
God bless you and thanks for your cooperation in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Capt. Allen Jones

Mariam Ahmed Greetings from Mariam Ahmed.

From: Mariam Ahmed <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 19:55:08 +0100
Subject: Greetings from Mariam Ahmed.

Good day from Mrs. Maryam Ahmed

I am Maryam Ahmed, age 57 years old, i am the wife of late Moha Hassan Ahmed.

I and my late husband are both from Syria, my husband worked with
Libyan National Oil Corporation, under the leadership of late previous
head of state (Muammar Gaddafi) My late husband died during the war
that also lead to Muammar Gaddafiis death, We were married for Thirty
years and Allah blessed us with a handsome son who also lost his life
why trying to save the life of his father.

At the early stage of the war, my late husband, made arrangement and
move me and my only child to Malaysia to Self-guard our life, while he
stayed back to protect out properties and after months in Malaysia, my
son decided to go back to Libya to know how his Father was doing, but
I waited for 4 months without hearing anything from either my son or
his father and on my getting back to Libya I discovered that both my
lovely husband and son was dead, that was the most horrible and
saddest day of my life as I tried to die and join them.

Since then, my life has not been the same, I have been trying to
overcome the sadness and grief in my heart, but I find it hard to do.

Recently I was diagnosed of bronchial cancer and I was told that it
has spread and on its last stage, I am happy that this heavy grief in
my heart will soon end, but before that, I want to do something for
GOD, I want to end up in Heaven and thats the reason why I am
contacting you so you can help me achieve my last desire.

My husband made arrangement and moved in some fund in cash to us in a
country i will let you know when i hear from you and some of the fund
worth $3.5m was deposited under my name with a Security Finance
company/bank because of the urgency of my departure from Malaysia and
the sad news I got back home, I have not be able to communicate with
the company for the release of the fund, as my heart was occupied with
grief. Now its my last wish to see that this money will be used to do
the work of charity and 30 % for your personal endevour.I will like to
ask the company to release this money to you, so you can help me use
it and do the work of Charity , so I can have my last desire achieved.

This is the last wish of a grief dying woman and I will appreciate it
if you will accept this offer, which I know that God will bless you
and your family for doing so.

I hope insha Allah, that you will grant me my last wish.


Maryam Ahmed.

Mariam Ahmed Good day from Mrs. Maryam Ahmed

From: Mariam Ahmed <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 19:41:45 +0100
Subject: Good day from Mrs. Maryam Ahmed

Good day from Mrs. Maryam Ahmed

I am Maryam Ahmed, age 57 years old, i am the wife of late Moha Hassan Ahmed.

I and my late husband are both from Syria, my husband worked with
Libyan National Oil Corporation, under the leadership of late previous
head of state (Muammar Gaddafi) My late husband died during the war
that also lead to Muammar Gaddafiis death, We were married for Thirty
years and Allah blessed us with a handsome son who also lost his life
why trying to save the life of his father.

At the early stage of the war, my late husband, made arrangement and
move me and my only child to Malaysia to Self-guard our life, while he
stayed back to protect out properties and after months in Malaysia, my
son decided to go back to Libya to know how his Father was doing, but
I waited for 4 months without hearing anything from either my son or
his father and on my getting back to Libya I discovered that both my
lovely husband and son was dead, that was the most horrible and
saddest day of my life as I tried to die and join them.

Since then, my life has not been the same, I have been trying to
overcome the sadness and grief in my heart, but I find it hard to do.

Recently I was diagnosed of bronchial cancer and I was told that it
has spread and on its last stage, I am happy that this heavy grief in
my heart will soon end, but before that, I want to do something for
GOD, I want to end up in Heaven and thats the reason why I am
contacting you so you can help me achieve my last desire.

My husband made arrangement and moved in some fund in cash to us in a
country i will let you know when i hear from you and some of the fund
worth $3.5m was deposited under my name with a Security Finance
company/bank because of the urgency of my departure from Malaysia and
the sad news I got back home, I have not be able to communicate with
the company for the release of the fund, as my heart was occupied with
grief. Now its my last wish to see that this money will be used to do
the work of charity and 30 % for your personal endevour.I will like to
ask the company to release this money to you, so you can help me use
it and do the work of Charity , so I can have my last desire achieved.

This is the last wish of a grief dying woman and I will appreciate it
if you will accept this offer, which I know that God will bless you
and your family for doing so.

I hope insha Allah, that you will grant me my last wish.


Maryam Ahmed.

Michael Mayer Good day..

From: "Michael Mayer" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 18:12:51 -0700
Subject: Good day..

Good day.

My name is Michael Mayer. I just returned from a peace keeping mission
from Syria where I lost the use of one of mylimbs. I met a young lady
stranded there who has lost all her family and needed my help to receive
some funds her grandfather deposited in the USA for save keeping many
years ago.

I cannot do much in my present situation. I therefore solicit for your
help to receive same on my behalf. Apart from assisting this lady, you
will be paid a percentage for your services. She needs this help to get
out of Syria and to have a great future.

Please let me read from you as quickly as possible so I can explain further.

Thanking you.
Michael Mayer

General Phills Harrison Dear Friend Email from General Phills Harrison .

From: General Phills Harrison <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 14:52:07 +0000
Subject: Dear Friend (Email from General Phills Harrison).

Dear Friend,

I am General Phills Harrison from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission.I want to recommend you as a reliable foreign investor and project manager. I am seeking your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate in your country.I am sorry if this is not in line with your profession. I need an experienced person like you to assist me to set up, develop the project worth $40 million and assume responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be bringing in profit /distribute profit monthly or annually.

Am not in the position to handle this now, due to urgency and also the need of a foreign partner in the execution of the project,because we as serving Generals in the army we are not allowed to do business in anyway while in service even if we have the money to invest.Because it is against the military policy. I have put all in prayer and have been advised to proceed with you, and get some clarifications both ways. Before I am able to give out the information that will enable you access the funds to proceed with this investment project, I would need some information from you.Meanwhile I have agreed to give you 30% of the $40 million for your assistance, but if am not lucky to come back safe I will want you to give 70% of the investment to charity for personal reasons known to me.

1. Your full name and complete address
2. Your mobile telephone number
3. Do you own your business? If yes, what is the name of your Company?
4. How many Partners do you have?
5. Have you handled large funds, and successfully?
6. Are your partners willing to cooperate?
7. In your country of resident, are you known to the government, or do you work with the government in any way?
8. Have you ever been prosecuted by any government world wide?
If you can handle this then write to me on ( Bear in mind that funds in question are my legitimate aquired money so you will not have any problem with it.

General Phills Harrison


Dear Friend,

I need your urgent assistance.

I am General Phills Harrison 58 years from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission,Just like to extend my warm hand of friendship to you.I also need your prayers, and also I need your urgent assistance to receive funds $5 million for safe keeping for me till I come back to meet with you,that is if God keeps me safe, because of the serious war here,I will give you 30% for your assistance and bear in mind that this money are my legitimate acquired funds so you will never have any problem as I intend to live and invest the money in your name in any lucrative business you may suggest and you will assume the position of manager,once you receive the funds you start up any business you can handle and also send some money to my kids in school and the one in hospital, then keep the rest money safe till I come back,upon your positive response to this email, I will tell you source of the funds and how you will be receiving them,Please keep this personally to yourself and do not disclose to anybody,send me email with your details information to my email( when you receive this message and I will get back to you with further information on how you will receive the funds.I decided to tell you this due to urgency and also because I do not have any reliable person to handle for me now and I see you are a reliable and trustworthy person that will not let me down.

The most important reason why I need your urgent assistance is because my ex wife who would have handled this for me and whom was closest to me, cheated on me with my best friend and ran away with him, I have been alone for the past 6 years now and I think I now need a loving and caring woman in my life now for the rest of my life.My kids are 18/16/14 they are 2 boys and 1 girl and their names are Robert and Miles and Sharon.Tell me Your name,age, marital status, occupation and if you have kids and your country of origin and your present residence country and also confirm to me you can handle this project in your response to me by email too.

I attach some of my pictures for you to see and I also want you to send me some of your pictures too when you reply back.


General Phills Harrison.

mohammed Roland INFO MAIL

From: mohammed Roland <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 21:16:38 +0700
Subject: INFO MAIL

Dear Sir/Madam


I am Mr Mohammed Roland, from Syria due to brutal civil war in my
country, I need urgent assistance for business investment in your
country please reply for more information.

Thank you for showing concern

Mr. Mohammed Roland

th437437 Urgent

Date: 14 Oct 2019 02:23:31 +0000
Subject: Urgent

Good Day,

I apologize for this inconvenience. I am Sgt Pat S. Everhart, I
hope all is well with you? I am a soldier working as United
Nations peacekeeper, deployed to Syria to promote stability,
security, and peace processes. We protect personnel and property;
I have in my possession the sum of $4.6 millions USD Which i made
here in Syria. I deposited this funds with a Red Cross agent
because of UN military personnel regulation. I want you to stand
as my beneficiary to receive the fund and keep it safe because i
don't want the Red Cross agent to know the luggage deposited with
them contain funds. I want you to help me and keep the money save
in your account so that as soon as am through with my mission
here in Syria, I will come over for us to meet face to face and
know each other. I will give you 20% of the total funds for your
assistance after you have receive the funds. please reply back to
me if you are willing to work with me so that i can send you more
information on where the funds is been kept by the Red Cross
Agent. Your urgent reply is highly needed.

Best Regards
Sgt Thelma Hall

STAN MIHAIL DAN Profitable Investment

Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 20:17:59 +0100
Subject: Profitable Investment


armie kaliff good day

From: armie kaliff <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:14:38 +0100
Subject: good day

My name is Amira Duka, from Syria, I am the only daughter of the late
Engineer Muhammed Duka of Syria, I am writing you from the Republic of
spain, where I am taking refuge because of the war and untimely death of my
parents during the political crisis of my country.

Please listen to these, My father sold his Shipping Company to a Chinese
expatriate before his death and deposited the sum of Five Million, Seven
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ 5.7 Million) in his foreign account with one of
the largest banks in England, which my names appeared as the next of kin.

It is true that we do not know in person, but I feel comfortable and open
to discuss with you this matter that had been a concern for me in this
horrible camp in which I live today, I believe that God will not abandon me
here as I prayed before contacting you with confidence in God that you
would help me because of my status as a refugee, I ask for your help to
transfer my legacy fund into your account for a good investment in your
country, and what I need from you is,

(1) To serve as custodian of these fund, since I am a young girl of 25
years old and the money is too big for me to handle.

(2) To provide a home for me to come to your country to pursue my education
and obtain a residence permit in your country.

I am offering you 45% of the total fund for your help and this is not in
any way associated with an illegal transaction, please help me out of this
terrible situation and God will bless you, I am waiting to hear from you,
because the bank is ready to transfer the fund to any foreign account that
I will provide. In my next mail, I will write to you and give you all the
necessary information's of the bank, where my late father deposited the
fund in my name as the next of kin, I'm waiting to hear from your positive
reply soon.

Yours sincerely,


Date: 21 Sep 2019 23:08:19 -0700

Dear nigel,.

I hope and pray that I have the right person with you to help me. I have an interest in investing in your country as such I am making contact with you for assistance. Before the war in my country (Syria) I deposited some funds with through an intermediary broker to a Bank for safekeeping which I am looking for a partner that will help me retrieve the funds from the because I cannot travel out at the moment because of my present predicaments / conditions which I will explain to you as we progress.

My name is Raheem Mubarak Ali from Syria. Bashar al Assad totally brought destruction / Hell and political instability in our great country for over 8 years and counting and everything is practically difficult now. Please, if you accept this offer of assistance you are required to give me your Name, age, occupation, country, and address. I will send you detailed information about this transaction if you indicate your seriousness to
do the business, and also including your direct telephone numbers. I promise you that this deal is valid, private and risk-free.

What I now need from you are as follows:

(1). You should make contact with the intermediary contact via the Bank to secure the funds as I will be entrusting the business into your care.

(2). You will be entitled to 32% of the total sum involved for your assistance.

(3). As soon as you have the funds in your custody, we will enter a new arrangement on which sector you will invest my share of the funds in on my behalf to generate enough money for the upkeep of my family in your

(4). This project is 100% risk-free, but you must keep it very secret
and confidential with strong assurance that you will never let me down at all.

Please note that my aim to transfer the funds to you for investment is because I want my wife and 2 kids to join you and stay under your care, hope my family will find comfort, peace, and happiness once again in your country. I want to clear you about this, the funds are not from drug dealers, it’s not from arms deals, it’s not government money and it’s not for any terrorist or illegal activity, why I am emphasizing on the confidentiality is because I don’t want you to be bordered over above issues.

Can you help me? Are you trustworthy? Are you capable of handling this money? Can we partner?

If yes, please contact me immediately so that I will give you more details about the funds. All you need to do is to claim this money for our mutual benefits.

You are also obliged to help/advise on the proper and most convenient way of investing this money in your country, hopefully, you will consider this request and respond positively.

Raheem Mubarak Ali.

Engr. Chus Khalifa Good day to you and your family

From: "Engr. Chus Khalifa"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 15:03:54 +0300
Subject: Good day to you and your family


Good day to you and your family, I apologize if the content here
under are contrary to your moral ethics but please treat with absolute
secrecy and personal.

My name is Engr. Chus Khalifa from Homs Syria. I am now 60 years Old.
Why I contacted you is to know if you can tell me more about good
investment in your country or your business area so that I could
relocate my investment planning to your beautiful country, out of
Syria. Now that Syria security and our Economic independent has been
lost to the greatest lower level, and our culture has been lost
forever and our happiness has been taking away from us due to the
ongoing civil war. I have funds to invest in your country on any
viable and lucrative business and I need a local partner who can
handle it for me.

Tell me more about your country, which city to live and invest in. I
am looking at real estate since I have capital for investment up to
USD9.4m. Also do let me know your idea and knowledge regarding this or
any other profitable investment you may suggest, on my next email I
will explain to you the full details of this investment Proposal.

Waiting for your reply
Thanks and best regards,
Engr. Chus Khalifa

Alia Abdul From Mrs. Alia Abdul

From: Alia Abdul <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2019 04:13:45 +0000
Subject: From Mrs. Alia Abdul

Dearest in Christ,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; I am Mrs. Alia Abdul
from Syria. I am married to Dr. Ali Abdul who worked with Syrian
embassy in Burkina Faso for nine years before he died in the year 2015
from a bomb attack in Damascus Syria. We were married as Muslims for
20 years without a child, and later we converted to born again

Since the death of my husband I decided not to remarry or get a child
outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late
husband was alive he deposited the sum of usd$25.3 million dollars in
a Bank in Burkina Faso because he was an industralist and also a
member of board of directors of Canadian Gold Mining company in
Burkina Faso. Presently, this money is still in the bank. Recently, my
Doctor just told me that I would not last for the next two months due
to cancer problem in my body.

The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my
health condition I decided to donate this money to any individual or
charity organization that will utilize this money the way I am going
to instruct herein.

I want any individual or organization that will use this money to help
refugees, widows, orphanages, schools and churches to do the work of
God and to endeavour that the house of God is maintained. The Bible
made me to understand that "Blessed is the hand that giveth". I took
this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this
money and my husband relatives have all displaced due to the war going
on in Syria and i cannot return this money to Syria because I don't
want this money to be used by unbelievers committing atrocities
killing innocent souls in Syria.

I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly
way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death
hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the
bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that "the lord will fight my
case and I shall hold my peace". With God all things are possible. As
soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Bank
in Burkina Faso and forward you all the necessary documents related to
deposit of the money.

I will also issue you an authority letter that will prove you the
present beneficiary of this money from High Court. I want you and the
church to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd. My
happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian.

Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and
Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Contact me on
my email, any delay in your reply may give me room to contact another
person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act
accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply soon.

Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours sister in Christ.
Mrs. Alia Abdul.

Jawahir Aliya Abdulrahman Hello Dearest:Peter McDoodle……….Can I Trust You

From: Jawahir Aliya Abdulrahman <>
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 13:07:01 -0700
Subject: Hello Dearest:Peter McDoodle..........Can I Trust You

Hello Dearest:Peter McDoodle.

I'm sorry to encroach into your privacy. My name is Mrs.Jawahir Aliya
Abdulrahman, from Syria. I am the wife of late Mr.Abdulrahman, an
industrialist Syria. Due to the civil war in Syria, I want to relocate to
your country to invest my late husband fund in Real Estate as a foreign
business partner. If you can be interested and trusted I will give more
details for further directives.

If you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this
message. Contact me directly on this my email address.

Mrs.Jawahir Aliya Abdulrahman

Sarah Howell Your Confidential Letter

From: "Sarah Howell"<>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 07:16:46 -0700
Subject: Your Confidential Letter

Greetings Beloved Friend / Email Owner,

My name is Sergeant. Sarah Howell. I am an American soldier, born in Austin Texas, USA. Upon my graduation from High School, when I lost my mother and father in a car accident. I volunteered to join the U.S. Army serving in the military of the 3rd Infantry Division presently in Jarabulus Syria, for training, also helping in stabilizing the country against security challenges. With a very desperate need for assistance, I have decided to contact you for your kind assistance to move the sum of US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to you, if I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service. Some money in various currencies was discovered in boxes at a Farmhouse during a rescue operation we conducted in one of the attacks by the terrorists and it was agreed by my colleagues and I that some part of this money be shared among us.

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a (Turkish Doctor) working with Red Cross, I was able to get the Box out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the real content of the Box, I told him that it belongs to an American medical doctor who died in a raid here in Syria, and before giving up, he trusted me to hand over the Box to his Family.

I have now found a much secured way of getting the Cash Box out of Syria to you for pick-up and I will discuss this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me. I am ready to compensate you with 35% of the US$10,500,000.00 Dollars for your assistance. I do not know how long we will remain here, and I have been shot, wounded and survived two suicide bomb attacks by the special grace of God. Please contact me as soon as possible with the below email. Send the below details to my private email: as to enable us to proceed. Because I need to re-register the consignment in your name as the receiver.

Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel/cell Number:

God Bless you as I look forward to your positive response.

Sergeant. Sarah Howell.
Jarabulus Syria.

Mohammad Reza Hello Dear

From: Mohammad Reza <>
Reply: Mohammad Reza <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 15:09:42 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Hello Dear

Hello Dear

My name is Mohammad Reza Robati from Syria. I got your contact during my search for a reliable foreigner to assist me to relocate my funds.

I need you to assist me to move my family fortune valued US$15M to your country and buy us a house and as well as help us move out of Syria for resettlement.
I have concluded arrangements with the bank for the relocation of the funds to any part of the world where the money will be well secured for immediate investment. To this end, I will be very glad to link you with the bank if you are willing to assist me to relocate the funds. Your involvement and assistance in this project will attract 10% of the total sum.


Mohammad Reza Robati

mohamed ismailqureshi From Engr Mohammed

From: mohamed ismailqureshi <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 19:29:14 +0300
Subject: From Engr Mohammed

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings to you and your beloved family. I apologize if the content
here under are contrary to your moral ethics but please treat with
absolute secrecy and personal. My name is Engr.Mohamed Ismail Qureshi.
from Damascus Syria.

I am now 65 years Old, and I am now a retired government official. I
was former personal investor & financial consultant advisers to some
Top Politician in Syria, also an oil Tycoon from Syria and Saudi
Arabia. Al Furat Petroleum Company (AFPC) the leader in the region in
Reservoir Management. AFPC was established under Service Contract no.
210 ratified by Law no. 43 of 1977 and named as per decree-law no. 12
in 1985. AFPC is a joint venture company between the General Petroleum
Corporation (50%) and private shareholders Syria Shell Petroleum
Development (SSPD).

I have plan to relocate my investment planning to your beautiful
country, out of Syria, Now that Syria security and our Economic
independent has been lost to the greatest lower level, and our culture
has been lost forever and our happiness has been taking away from us
will like to relocate my family out from Syria, here in my country
there is fire on the mountain, I need a foreign partner to enable me
transport my investment capital and then relocate with my family,
honestly, I wish you and I will discuss more and get along, in fact I
am very much interested to know whether you will be capable to do this
business with me in full confidence trusting that you will never let
me down in future. Am interested in buying properties houses, Building
real estate and some tourist places, my capital for investment is

I will appreciate your idea and knowledge regarding this or any other
profitable investment you may suggest, on my next email I will explain
to you the full details of this investment Proposal. You may as well
tell me little more about yourself.

Sincerely Yours,
Engr.Mohamed Ismail Qureshi.

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