Michel Sydney Kindly send me your WhatsApp number for more details

From: Michel Sydney <ngenestephie@gmail.com>
Reply: michelsydney40@outlook.com
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 15:30:34 +0100
Subject: Kindly send me your WhatsApp number for more details

Well, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Michel Sydney, in fact my
mother is from Romania and my father is from California USA, but my
parents died when I was only 8 years old, they died in an accident car
and I was the only survivor.

I have no siblings or relatives and that is why i grow up to be strong
and became a soldier i have been working as a soldier for almost 13
years of my life and i find it difficult to be a soldier, i really
hope that you will be a help to me because i want to resign from my
work and live a civilian life.

Well, this request might meet you in utmost surprise but i ask for
your understanding and i respectfully insist for your kind cooperation
and attention, i am telling you this because i have no relative
trusted enough to discuss this with I really wish to have you as my
good and trusted friend and also wish to entrust some item into your
care. it is big amount of money that i got separately from a mission
we went few months ago.

My intention is to resign from my work and return back to Romania to
establish myself as a cilivilian and live a civilian life, also to
enable me find my cousins and my grandparents and families. i am
planning to resign from my work on July 2021, i hope you will be a
help to me in order to achieve my dream?

I was working with red cross and we went for rescue in Damascus city
where Syria Taliban’s organizes their self’s and we saw a huge amount
of money on their posession, the money is too much and we shared some
between our self’s and take the rest into statement, we were 4 people
that made the deal, and i got my own share of five million dollars.
the good news is that we are successful with that mission and i made a
cash of Five million dollars out of it ($ 5,000,000 USD)

Because of my work and my position over here, i cannot put this money
into my bank account, because that is not part of my salary and United
Nation will question me for it. it was a great opportunity for me and
i grab it, then i lodged the money in a consignment box and deposited
in a security company as family treasure, this security company is
waiting for me to present my relative who will receive the box on my
behalf, the money is in a box and i deposited the box in Security
company here in Syria.

After going through your profile and recognizes you a gentle man, i
decided to share this idea with you, please let me know if you are
interested or not. The amount of Five Million dollars is lodged in a
box and its identified as family treasure, this box can be deliver to
your door step through diplomat currier service, the company does not
know the content of the box, nobody knows the content of the box
because its family treasure and i am very sure that it will be moved
to your countrysuccessful as far as i did the right thing, it is easy
and safe.

I ask for your attention and cooperation to serve as a receiver, let
me send the box to you, it will successfully arrive in your country
and the diplomat will bring the box to your house successfully, I need
your help and assistance just to stand me as my trusted friend, let me
send the box to you and you will keep it safe until i come to your
country.If you agree with me, please give me your Whatsapp name so we
can talk about Whatsapp ok.
Michel Sydney.

Abdullah Mishail S Attn: Dear.

From: Abdullah Mishail S <nananjbgh@gmail.com>
Reply: lahsadiq@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 11:04:12 -0800
Subject: Attn: Dear.

Attn: Dear.

Am Abdullah Mishail Sadiq executive member of Syria government.I
believe you are aware of ongoing war in my country, our country is no
longer conducive for us. In my section of work I have a legitimate deal
that worth lots of funds ($3.800 .000.00 USD), but I reached you as
foreigner to claim it with my plans. With the trust I have on you I have
watched with keen interest as they will never know of this excess.I have
since, placed this amount of Three million Eight hundred united state
dollars s only($3.800.000.00 USD) only to an Escrow Coded account without a
beneficiary (anonymous) to avoid trace.
1. The sum of $3.800 .000.00 USD only will be transferred into your
nominated account after you have confirmed the transfer of your sum into
your account by telegraphic Transfer (T/T), conformable in 3 Working days.
I will fly to your country to meet with you for the sharing. The sharing
will go like this: 40% for you and 60% for me. if you are comfortable with
this my dear friend you can get back to me with your details.

2. This deal must be kept secret forever, and all correspondence will
be strictly by email / telephone, for security purposes.

3. There should be no third parties as most problems associated with
your fund release are caused by your agents or representative. If you AGREE
with my conditions, l advise you on what to do immediately and the transfer
will commence without delay as I will proceed to fix your name on the
Payment schedule instantly to meet the three days mandate. kindly indicate
your interest by sending an email back to me.
Best Wishes

S Abdullah Mishail

Mrs. Zarina Fuso Urgent Urgent Urgent

From: "Mrs. Zarina Fuso" <test@dnamail.in>
Reply: <mrszarina801@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2020 15:30:54 +0100
Subject: Urgent ! Urgent !! Urgent !!!

_ _
_I have contacted you in request for an investment to be a fund
manager to my client. I am an attorney/solicitor, My client wish to
invest in public and private sectors in a broad range of areas
including real estate, energy, oil and gas, emerging markets, and
_ _
_Within the technology sector, the firm focuses on communications,
software, and digital content and services. My client Sofea Aladdin is
from Jaramana Syrian Arab Kingdom. She wish to invest between $80
Million to $100 Million USD in any viable business that will yield
good profit at the end of every year. This will be a silent and
Private Placement Investments._
_ _
_Endeavor to respond promptly if you are in interested on the
investment plans._
_ _
_I shall explain more to you on how the investment should go. I shall
also link you up with my client to discus terms before we proceed._
_ _
_My regards to your family._
_ _
_Mrs. Zarina Fuso_

Pavel Dumitru TRUSTEE Greetings to you :

From: Pavel Dumitru <dstartup004@gmail.com>
Reply: dstartup04@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 11:11:01 +1100
Subject: TRUSTEE ( Greetings to you):



Greetings to you,

It is my pleasure to contact you regarding this offer, which I hope you will be able to assist out. I am the United High Commission for Refugee(UNHCR) protection clerk at the Oncupinar Refugee Camp here in on the Syrian-Turkish border in Kilis, Turkey.

I have been approached by Maysaa Shehab and her sick mother who are From Syria to assist them look for a reliable Trustee to act on behalf of the family and invest their family funds. Maysaa Shehab has given us the right to look for a TRUSTEE to receive the consignment and help them invest in a more peaceful and stable ECONOMY.

I will tell you more about the family who is eager to start a new life due to the war in Syria. I have attached to this email my International Passport. We are serious about this offer and we are keen to know of your interest.

I will be waiting for your prompt response if you will be willing to help the family to invest the fund.

Pavel Dumitru
Protection Clerk (UNHCR)

Capt. Sarah Howell Your PRIVATE Letter

From: "Capt. Sarah Howell" <sarah764411@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 09:42:54 -0800
Subject: Your PRIVATE Letter

Greetings Beloved Friend / Email Owner,

My Name is Sarah Howell. I am an American soldier, born in Austin
Texas, USA. Upon my graduation from High School, when I lost my
mother and father in a car accident. I volunteered to join the U.S.
Army serving in the military of the 3rd Infantry Division presently in
Al-Tanf-Syria, for training, also helping in stabilizing the country
against security challenges. With a very desperate need for
assistance, I have decided to contact you for your kind assistance to
move the sum of US$35,500,000.00 (Thirty-Five Million, Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) to you, if I can be assured that my
share will be safe in your care until I complete my service. Some
money in various currencies was discovered in boxes at a Farmhouse
during a rescue operation we conducted in one of the attacks by the
terrorists and it was agreed by my colleagues and I that some part of
this money be shared among us.

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this
kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a (Turkish
Doctor) working with Red Cross, I was able to get the Box out to a
safe location entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the real
content of the Box, I told him that it belongs to an American medical
doctor who died in a raid here in Syria, and before giving up, he
trusted me to hand over the Box to his Family.

I have now found a much secured way of getting the Cash Box out of
Syria to you for pick-up and I will discuss this with you when I am
sure that you are willing to assist me. I am ready to compensate you
with 35% of the US$35,500,000.00 Dollars for your assistance. I do not
know how long we will remain here, and I have been shot, wounded and
survived two suicide bomb attacks by the special grace of God. Please
contact me as soon as possible with the below email. Send the below
details to my private email: ( sh22334477sh@gmail.com ) as to enable
us to proceed. Because I need to register the consignment in your name
as the Beneficiary/Receiver.

Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel/cell Number:

God Bless you as I look forward to your positive response.

Sarah Howell.
(U.S. Military Base)
Email: sh22334477sh@gmail.com

Villard Dugara Partner With Us

From: Villard Dugara <mail092@zent.cbsgloba.com>
Reply: villarddugara20@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 05:24:31 -0500
Subject: Partner With Us

My Dear Friend.

Sorry to invade your privacy I am Villard Dugara, a private pilot
working with the United Nations in Yemen I came across luck in Syria, I
ran into a group of American soldiers who discovered a huge sum of money
in a bunker, they approached me to assist them ferry the fund out of
Syria with the condition that they will give me US$4,550,000.00 as God
may have it I was directed to fly relief material from Syria back to
Yemen so I used that opportunity to ferry the fund out to Yemen, as I am
talking to you now I have US$4,550,000.00 please I want to secure the
fund through you.

Right now the money is still with the security company here in Yemen but
am not yet satisfied because there is all so war in Yemen I want to
arrange for the delivery of this funds to you in your country home of
residence via Diplomatic delivery to help me secure this funds in your
care, I am ready to give you 30% of the funds, after you might have
receive the consignment I will secure the Diplomatic immunity clearance
certificate that will be tagged on the box to make it stand as a
diplomatic consignment, this clearance will make it pass every custom
checkpoint all over the world without hitch.

You can reply me with your details 1 . Your Full name: 2. Your Country:
3. Contact Address: 4. Telephone Number:.

Waiting for your positive response,

Villard Dugara.


From: BRUCE POSEY <mail@kuma8088.com>
Reply: brucepoosey@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:42:19 +0000


I'm Dr. Bruce Posey working with the Damascus metropolitan hospital here
in Damascus Syria, I'm originally from Germany but working with United
Nation as a Head doctor here. I am a 59 years widower with a son. I'm a
simple and an understanding man.

I pray this mail meets you in a good state of mind because I did pray
to God asking for a partner before contacting you.

Please may indulge your audience over a transaction which i called " A
LIFE CHANGING DEAL" Some months ago I stroked a deal with a hospital in
London, United Kingdom.

The supposed deal is about some medical equipment which was to be
brought to us here in Syria which I diverted because we already have
enough facilities in use. After my agreement with the hospital, we
agreed the total sum of 1,700,000 (ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND
BRITISH POUNDS STERLING) upon the arrival of the equipment.

Finally as God may have it the items were finally dispatched which they
have cleared it already and all is in perfect condition. Now its about
my payment which is due.

Because of the nature of my work as a Salary earner under UN I am not
supposed to receive such amount in my account because it will raise an
eye brow due to my position.

All I want is your trust in humility and honesty to receive this money
in your account on my behalf until I come out of this place.

I will offer you 30% of it when you receive the money, it will be a pure
bank to bank transfer from the London bank to your bank in your city.
All I want is your sincere willingness to stand as my receiving partner
then i will present your account to the paying bank to enable them
transfer the money into your account without delay.

Remember I assure you that this is a risk free deal because the
equipment has been recorded received here by us through my paper work as
the head and the supervising doctor over here

I will send you the memorandum of understanding between I and the
hospital as soon as I receive your good response to work with me.
I will also send you copies of my identification as soon as I hear from
you for you to know who is talking to you,

I will wait for your response as quickly as possible so I can tell you
how we can achieve this goal, don't forget to ask me any question where
your don't understand.

Please kindly write me on my gmail below so we can talk more about the

Yours Respectful
Dr. Bruce

Khalid Jubril Cooperation

From: "Khalid Jubril"<jubrilkhalid@email.com>
Reply: <jubrilkhalid@securesvsmail.online>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 14:43:32 +0200
Subject: Cooperation

Hello there,

I am Jubril Khalid. I am contacting you because I have a proposal that I think may interest you. I represent the interest of my brother in-law who is a minister in the Syrian Government. As you probably know, there is a lot of crisis going on currently in Syria and my brother in-law has fallen out with the ruling Junta especially the president because of his foreign policies and these senseless war and killings that has been going on for a while. Everybody in Syria is fed up and want a change but the president is too powerfull and he simply kills anyone that tries to oppose him. My brother in-law has moved to support the opposition to empower them to be able to fight and repel the ruling party but unfortunately, his efforts has been unsuccessful and he is now currently being arrested for plotting to unseat the ruling leader. They have seized all his assets and he is now very scared for the safety of his family especially his kids.

Before he was arrested, he has asked me to help him find a foreign investor who can help him accommodate and invest 100 MUSD privately that he has lodged in a finance house abroad. He wants these funds safely invested so that the future and safety of his family can be secured.

I am contacting you with the hope that you will be interested in helping us. We need your help to accommodate and lodge the funds in the banking system in your country and also invest it in a very productive projects. We will handle the logistics involved in the movement of the funds to you. Please note that the entire business will be executed in a legal way. My brother in-law has promised to compensate you handsomely for your role in this business. Do you think you can handle this?

He wants this to be done discretely so I will be acting as his eyes and ears during the course of this transaction.

If this proposal interests you, please kindly respond so that I can give you more details.



Mrs Zarina Attention

From: Mrs Zarina <officeoffce@gmail.com>
Reply: mrszarina801@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 01:11:33 +0200
Subject: Attention

*Attention, I have contacted you in request for an investment to be a fund
manager to my client. I am an attorney/solicitor, My client wish to invest
in public and private sectors in a broad range of areas including real
estate, energy, oil and gas, emerging markets, and high-technology. Within
the technology sector, the firm focuses on communications, software, and
digital content and services. My client Sofea Aladdin is from Jaramana
Syrian Arab Kingdom. She wish to invest between $80 Million to $100 Million
USD in any viable business that will yield good profit at the end of every
year. This will be a silent and Private Placement Investments. Endeavor to
respond promptly if you are in interested on the investment plans. I shall
explain more to you on how the investment should go. I shall also link you
up with my client to discus terms before we proceed. My regards to your
family. Sincerely,Mrs. Zarina*

capt.erichlogan HELP FROM US PILOT

From: capt.erichlogan@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 22:21:00 +0000 (UTC)

Keep utmost confidential,

Sorry to invade your privacy I am Capt.Erich Logan, a private pilot working with the United Nations in Yemen I came across luck in Syria,I ran into a group of American soldiers who discovered a huge sum of money in a bunker, they approached me to assist them ferry the fund out of Syria with the condition that they will give me US$5,550,000.00 as God may have it I was directed to fly relief material from Syria back to Yemen so I used that opportunity to ferry the fund out to Yemen, as I am talking to you now I have US$5,550,000.00 please I want to secure the fund through you.

Right now the money is still with the security company here in Yemen but am not yet satisfied because there is all so war in Yemen I want to arrange for the delivery of this funds to you in your country home of residence via Diplomatic delivery to help me secure this funds in your care, I am ready to give you 30% of the funds, after you might have receive the consignment I will secure the Diplomatic immunity clearance certificate that will be tagged on the box to make it stand as a diplomatic consignment, this clearance will make it pass every custom checkpoint all over the world without hitch.

You can reply me with your details 1 . Your Full name: 2. Your Country: 3. Contact Address: 4. Telephone Number 5 .Valied ID.

Waiting for your positive response,

Capt.Erich Logan.


From: James Ferris <james.ferris64@yahoo.com>
Reply: James Ferris <James.ferris64@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 12:51:01 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, my name is Captain James Ferris of the US Marines Expeditionary Operations Base responsible for monitoring, training and maintaining peace in the turkey and Syria border.

I ask your partnership to evacuate the sum of $ 1,150,000.00 and a certain amount of gold to your country for investment purposes.

If you are interested in working with me to achieve this, please contact me for more details. When I receive your reply, we can also discuss the sharing ratio.

Captain James Ferris
United States Marine Corps
Expeditionary Combat Force


From: Amira Aswad <mgvirginia55@gmail.com>
Reply: mrsamira.aswad@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2020 21:25:20 +0100

Dearest helps me.

Please, I'm sorry, I can not call or receive calls at this time, due to the
nature of security here in my country Syria but I'll make time and call
with a line of insurance in case of need arises. My biggest priority in
contacting you is to propose a business that requires immediate and rapid
implementation. I am willing to give you all the necessary information
about me once trust is established between us. Please read and get back to
me. But remember that it will benefit you in all ramifications.

I'm Mrs. Amira Aswad's wife of Engr. Ahmed Aswad, Syria industrial and a
member of a Syrian businessman killing Damascus. After Council my husband,
my family is under threat from President Bashar al-Assad because my husband
decided to support and be a democratic government in Syria, this is true.
That was the reason why they killed my husband.

Due to the current president Bashar Al-Assad protests in the country, many
families are running for their dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians
women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my
possession the sum of ($ 10.5 million) in my possession $10,500,000. This
is money that my husband and I have saved my life as an industrialist and
he has it in our home stored before he was killed, And to put money in a
bank now is a very big risk in a country like ours.

I have secured this money in a box and having consulted an envoy here in
Damascus Who here will help me in my box movement outside Syria for
safekeeping and possible investment. That's why I'm in need of trust and
reliable worthy person, who will receive the box, protect and protect it
until my arrival which should be brief. I take this opportunity because I
have no other alternative purpose to trust somebody. I have lost all my
relatives in the war, now with no brother and sister, so I can not risk my
life here, in order to avoid my family lineage.

As a woman since my husband is dead all I have is my daughter and son. They
deserve a decent life as I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment.
I'll move to your country with my family and invest the money in Compliance
with the law, your advice and help. We can work together and achieve a
better future for our families. Please note that the transfer is not aware
that my box contains money and this is for security reasons.

All I ask is let me register the consignment in your name as family
treasure and you expect to get it back. There no risk in this business, I
made the necessary arrangement for a safe delivery shipping box for your
preferred location. I will assume that you are able to manipulation an
agreement of this magnitude and trust you to maintain absolute secrecy
confidentiality and protect this great achievement. At least 4 days
enclosure must be in your possession if you're in your note part. Also
co-operating, I have precautionary measures to ensure the money. The frame
is encoded with a high safety device and I'm the one who has the right
combination to unlock it. I'll give you 20% cash and 80% for me. I believe
this is a fair deal. Write about (email) for more with your details below:

Full name…………………………
Full address………………………..
Direct phone number………………

I anticipate your positive response, and I will receive the information.
Provide you with essential details. We do not have the luxury of wasting
time. Please reply ASAP.

I wait for your urgent response.

Yours sincerely
Amira Aswad

unko4801@gmail.com RESPOND IMMEDIATELY

From: "unko4801@gmail.com" <unko4801@gmail.com>
Reply: usm195339@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2019 10:50:18 +0100


I have contacted you in request for an investment to be a fund manager
to my client. I am an attorney/solicitor, My client wish to invest in
public and private sectors in a broad range of areas including real
estate, energy, oil and gas, emerging markets, and high-technology.

Within the technology sector, the firm focuses on communications,
software, and digital content and services. My client Sofea Aladdin is
from Jaramana Syrian Arab Kingdom. She wish to invest between $80
Million to $100 Million USD in any viable business that will yield
good profit at the end of every year. This will be a silent and
Private Placement Investments.

Endeavor to respond promptly if you are in interested on the investment plans.

I shall explain more to you on how the investment should go. I shall
also link you up with my client to discus terms before we proceed.

My regards to your family.

Mrs. Zarina.

Mohammad Reza Robati Reply Please

From: "Mohammad Reza Robati"<server@gochigo.kr>
Reply: <mohrezarobati@rediffmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2019 11:33:10 -0800
Subject: Reply Please

My name is Mohammad Reza Robati from Syria. I got your contact during
my search for a
reliable foreigner to assist me relocate my funds.

I need you to assist me move my family fortune valued US$15M to your
country and buy us a
house and as well as help us move out of Syria for resettlement.

I have concluded arrangements with the bank for the relocation of the
funds to any part of
the world where the money will be well secured for immediate
investment. To this end, I
will be very glad to link you with the bank if you are willing to
assist me relocate the
funds. Your involvement and assistance in this project will attract
10% of the total sum.

Could you please send me an email to enable me know you have received
my email via:


I will appreciate your earliest response.


Mohammad Reza Robati

Green Zainab

From: Green Zainab <greenzainab@aol.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2019 08:53:28 +0000 (UTC)

How are you? I am pleased to count you among my friends, I am General Zainab Green. I am 48 years old and I am from Charlotte, North Carolina. Portland, Oregon, the United States of America. I am currently in Aleppo, in Aleppo, a Syrian city whose peacekeeping mission is due to the war crisis raging here.

About me, I have a good heart, I have a loving heart and am very respectful and kind woman, I never judge others and I am very compassionate, I like to appreciate the little things in life and I am very respectful.

Dear, I have my reasons for contacting you because I have something very important to share with you in my next message. I wish to start a very strong relationship with you and my relationship with you will bring many great changes in our life. I want you to understand that this relationship does not take into account distance and age. Maybe we could start as a friend or partner with funds that I should invest with urgent help.
Please do not allow the use of the mobile phone. We only use radio messages or emails due to the crisis here.

Dear, what do you do for a living to overcome economic expenses and maintain your life and your family? I know we just know each other, but we can share ideas and discuss important things and more issues when we talk about ourselves. I like to think positively and I care about the feelings of others. Please send me your private email address. all

I will be very happy to know more about you, like your hobbies, your interest, your lifestyle, your religious beliefs, I will also like to see your recent photos, as I always say, I have a question very important to share and discuss with you in my next message so that you give me a solution on this subject, I expect an urgent response from you soon.

Capt. William D Swenson Greetings and compliments of the season to you

From: "Capt. William D Swenson"<capt_wds@outlook.com>
Reply: <capt-wds@outlook.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2019 04:58:21 -0800
Subject: Greetings and compliments of the season to you

Hello Dear,

Greetings and compliments of the season to you. I am Capt.William D
Swenson, an officer in US Army, and also a West Point Graduate,
serving in the Military with the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping
force redeployed From Syria.

We were moved to Afghanistan from Syria as the last batch just
left,and i really need your help in assisting me with the safe keeping
of two military trunk boxes which has just arrived in USA from Syria.

I hope you can be trusted? You will be rewarded handsomely if you
could help me secure the funds until I conclude my service here. If
you can be trusted, i will explain further when i get a response from
you, kindly contact me in this my private email address below

Email: capt-wds@outlook.com

God Bless you
Capt. William D Swenson

Mr. Ramadan Abdulkarim Please email me back so that we can discuss further

From: "Mr. Ramadan Abdulkarim"<ramadan.abdulkarim12@gmail.com>
Reply: <ramadan.abdulkarimmm@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019 19:14:31 +0700
Subject: Please email me back so that we can discuss further

Dear ,

I am Mr. Ramadan Abdulkarim from Syria. I am looking for a possible tie up with a
business or individual in your country so that I can do some investments and to
enable me qualify for an investor visa to your country.

Please email me back so that we can discuss further.

Best Regards,

Ramadan Abdulkarim

Frank Grass I am waiting with interest to hearing from you soonest.

From: Frank Grass <f.g.frankgrass@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 06:39:36 +0000
Subject: I am waiting with interest to hearing from you soonest.


I write to introduce myself to you and to implore you for a kind
assistance. I am a United States Army General in Syria for a peace keeping
mission.I am a widower, my wife died some years ago

In the course of our mission, we encountered rebels with some boxes and
when we intercepted the boxes, we discovered that the contents was weapons,
and a very cumbersome sum of fund which is legal tender for payment of
debts in United States currency. Upon the sharing of the said fund, I got a


All I need from you is to help me to receiving the consignment boxes of the
fund in your custody through the means of a Diplomat because all the banks
here in Afghanistan are closed down and all the medium of remittances are
also closed down.

I shall endow you 20% of the total sum for helping me because I play a
pivotal role here in the camp and I cannot leave the camp now, hence, I
seek for your kind assistance from you

Please contact me via my private email contact (grassfrank530@gmail.com)

I am waiting with interest to hearing from you soonest.

General Frank Grass.

Eduardo J. FERREIRA Mr I wait your prompt reply

From: "Eduardo J. FERREIRA (Mr)" <sirohige1379@yahoo.co.jp>
Reply: ef1706552.uae@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:50:21 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: I wait your prompt reply

Contract to be Awarded

Dear sir,
I got your contact from the internet, Then i dicided to you, and based on the outcome of the GCC gulf cooperation council meeting which just ended in Dubai regarding a contract caved out worth of $38 million United States dollars for the building of 9000 refugee camp tents in Syria out sketch Damascus with military protection.

I deemed it necessary to contact you over this contract sum having gone through to your profile and i will presented it to the head of the GCC contract awarded Petron Sheik Juma Al Majid. please if you know about this business and you can building refugee camp tents and supply to the GCC gulf cooperation council you reply to me as soon as possible.
if you will be willing and ready to carry out this assignment without delaying the date line expected to complete the contract upon the release mobilization fees of $28 million to your account which represent 95% of the total contract sum.

The reason to for the date line is to meet up with the completion of the contract and commissioned it before the end of March / April 2020.

More details about the contract will be unveil to you as soon as I receive your responds.

Should you have further questions in respect to the above kindly feel free to ask?

I wait your prompt reply


Eduardo J. FERREIRA (Mr)
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Sarah Howell Your PRIVATE Letter:

From: Sarah Howell <rsvp@summitmedia.com.ph>
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2019 12:45:39 -0800
Subject: Your PRIVATE Letter:

Greetings Beloved Friend / Email Owner,

My name is Sarah Howell. I am an American soldier, born in Austin Texas, USA. Upon my graduation from High School, when I lost my mother and father in a car accident. I volunteered to join the U.S. Army serving in the military of the 3rd Infantry Division presently in Jarabulus Syria, for training, also helping in stabilizing the country against security challenges. With a very desperate need for assistance, I have decided to contact you for your kind assistance to move the sum of US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to you, if I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service. Some money in various currencies was discovered in boxes at a Farmhouse during a rescue operation we conducted in one of the attacks by the terrorists and it was agreed by my colleagues and I that some part of this money be shared among us.

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a (Turkish Doctor) working with Red Cross, I was able to get the Box out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the real content of the Box, I told him that it belongs to an American medical doctor who died in a raid here in Syria, and before giving up, he trusted me to hand over the Box to his Family.

I have now found a much secured way of getting the Cash Box out of Syria to you for pick-up and I will discuss this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me. I am ready to compensate you with 35% of the US$10,500,000.00 Dollars for your assistance. I do not know how long we will remain here, and I have been shot, wounded and survived two suicide bomb attacks by the special grace of God. Please contact me as soon as possible with the below email. Send the below details to my private email: ( sh22334477sh@gmail.com ) as to enable us to proceed. Because I need to re-register the consignment in your name as the receiver.

Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel/cell Number:

God Bless you as I look forward to your positive response.

Sarah Howell.
Jarabulus Syria.
Email: sh22334477sh@gmail.com

General Phills Harrison Dear FRIEND Email from General Phills Harrison .

From: General Phills Harrison <phillsharry2@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 10:45:54 +0000
Subject: Dear FRIEND (Email from General Phills Harrison).


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I am General Phills Harrison from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission.I want to recommend you as a reliable foreign investor and project manager. I am seeking your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate in your country.I am sorry if this is not in line with your profession. I need an experienced person like you to assist me to set up, develop the project worth $40 million and assume responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be bringing in profit /distribute profit monthly or annually.

Am not in the position to handle this now, due to urgency and also the need of a foreign partner in the execution of the project,because we as serving Generals in the army we are not allowed to do business in anyway while in service even if we have the money to invest.Because it is against the military policy. I have put all in prayer and have been advised to proceed with you, and get some clarifications both ways. Before I am able to give out the information that will enable you access the funds to proceed with this investment project, I would need some information from you.Meanwhile I have agreed to give you 30% of the $40 million for your assistance, but if am not lucky to come back safe I will want you to give 70% of the investment to charity for personal reasons known to me.

1. Your full name and complete address
2. Your mobile telephone number
3. Do you own your business? If yes, what is the name of your Company?
4. How many Partners do you have?
5. Have you handled large funds, and successfully?
6. Are your partners willing to cooperate?
7. In your country of resident, are you known to the government, or do you work with the government in any way?
8. Have you ever been prosecuted by any government world wide?
If you can handle this then write to me on (phillsharry4@hotmail.com)

Bear in mind that funds in question are my legitimate aquired money so you will not have any problem with it.

General Phills Harrison



I need your urgent assistance.

I am General Phills Harrison 58 years from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission,Just like to extend my warm hand of friendship to you.I also need your prayers, and also I need your urgent assistance to receive funds $5 million for safe keeping for me till I come back to meet with you,that is if God keeps me safe, because of the serious war here,I will give you 30% for your assistance and bear in mind that this money are my legitimate acquired funds so you will never have any problem as I intend to live and invest the money in your name in any lucrative business you may suggest and you will assume the position of manager,once you receive the funds you start up any business you can handle and also send some money to my kids in school and the one in hospital, then keep the rest money safe till I come back,upon your positive response to this email, I will tell you source of the funds and how you will be receiving them,Please keep this personally to yourself and do not disclose to anybody,send me email with your details information to my email(phillsharry4@hotmail.com) when you receive this message and I will get back to you with further information on how you will receive the funds.I decided to tell you this due to urgency and also because I do not have any reliable person to handle for me now and I see you are a reliable and trustworthy person that will not let me down.

The most important reason why I need your urgent assistance is because my ex wife who would have handled this for me and whom was closest to me, cheated on me with my best friend and ran away with him, I have been alone for the past 6 years now and I think I now need a loving and caring woman in my life now for the rest of my life.My kids are 18/16/14 they are 2 boys and 1 girl and their names are Robert and Miles and Sharon.Tell me Your name,age, marital status, occupation and if you have kids and your country of origin and your present residence country and also confirm to me you can handle this project in your response to me by email too.

I attach some of my pictures for you to see and I also want you to send me some of your pictures too when you reply back.


General Phills Harrison.

General Phills Harrison Dear FRIEND Email from General Phills Harrison .

From: General Phills Harrison <phillsharry1@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2019 05:20:46 +0000
Subject: Dear FRIEND (Email from General Phills Harrison).


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I am General Phills Harrison from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission.I want to recommend you as a reliable foreign investor and project manager. I am seeking your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate in your country.I am sorry if this is not in line with your profession. I need an experienced person like you to assist me to set up, develop the project worth $40 million and assume responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be bringing in profit /distribute profit monthly or annually.

Am not in the position to handle this now, due to urgency and also the need of a foreign partner in the execution of the project,because we as serving Generals in the army we are not allowed to do business in anyway while in service even if we have the money to invest.Because it is against the military policy. I have put all in prayer and have been advised to proceed with you, and get some clarifications both ways. Before I am able to give out the information that will enable you access the funds to proceed with this investment project, I would need some information from you.Meanwhile I have agreed to give you 30% of the $40 million for your assistance, but if am not lucky to come back safe I will want you to give 70% of the investment to charity for personal reasons known to me.

1. Your full name and complete address
2. Your mobile telephone number
3. Do you own your business? If yes, what is the name of your Company?
4. How many Partners do you have?
5. Have you handled large funds, and successfully?
6. Are your partners willing to cooperate?
7. In your country of resident, are you known to the government, or do you work with the government in any way?
8. Have you ever been prosecuted by any government world wide?
If you can handle this then write to me on (phillsharry4@hotmail.com)

Bear in mind that funds in question are my legitimate aquired money so you will not have any problem with it.

General Phills Harrison



I need your urgent assistance.

I am General Phills Harrison 58 years from USA but presently in Syria for peace keeping mission,Just like to extend my warm hand of friendship to you.I also need your prayers, and also I need your urgent assistance to receive funds $5 million for safe keeping for me till I come back to meet with you,that is if God keeps me safe, because of the serious war here,I will give you 30% for your assistance and bear in mind that this money are my legitimate acquired funds so you will never have any problem as I intend to live and invest the money in your name in any lucrative business you may suggest and you will assume the position of manager,once you receive the funds you start up any business you can handle and also send some money to my kids in school and the one in hospital, then keep the rest money safe till I come back,upon your positive response to this email, I will tell you source of the funds and how you will be receiving them,Please keep this personally to yourself and do not disclose to anybody,send me email with your details information to my email(phillsharry4@hotmail.com) when you receive this message and I will get back to you with further information on how you will receive the funds.I decided to tell you this due to urgency and also because I do not have any reliable person to handle for me now and I see you are a reliable and trustworthy person that will not let me down.

The most important reason why I need your urgent assistance is because my ex wife who would have handled this for me and whom was closest to me, cheated on me with my best friend and ran away with him, I have been alone for the past 6 years now and I think I now need a loving and caring woman in my life now for the rest of my life.My kids are 18/16/14 they are 2 boys and 1 girl and their names are Robert and Miles and Sharon.Tell me Your name,age, marital status, occupation and if you have kids and your country of origin and your present residence country and also confirm to me you can handle this project in your response to me by email too.

I attach some of my pictures for you to see and I also want you to send me some of your pictures too when you reply back.


General Phills Harrison.

Multisales Multisales Company LTD

From: Multisales <Multisales01@outlook.com>
Reply: <Multisales09@outlook.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 21:34:16 -0800
Subject: Multisales Company LTD

Dear Beloved

Permit me to tell you this, and please keep this message yourself because its sensitive to my profession as a military Personnel. I want to use this opportunity to tell you about me, my name is Sgt. Marshall H. Charles,48 years and my mother is a German and my father is an Sweden, I Graduated from Army Rangers collage in United States Of America, Currently am on PEACE KEEPING MISSION in SYRIA, i base in the border. I have decided to reveal this secret to you as the only one i can trust, i have dream and prayed over this and ask God to lead me through, i hope am with the right person. I want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of $3,000,000.00 USD cash,

I want to inform you that I got this huge amount from Syria in the war front… with my troops, The enemies want to move the box of money across the border to buy chemical weapon/ammunition in the next country. But we disarmed them and retrieved there guns and the boxes that contain huge money, which my share was mentioned above.

Due to the United Nation policy (NATO) since the war started in Syria, there was an announcement that some troops will be moving to the forest on 20th of this month, I'm among the troop assign for the mission, i cannot go along with this box of money , because of that I made a special arrangement with a International Committee of Red cross aircraft to move this fund out of here.

The question remains who will be in charge of the money in my absence? This is exactly why I need your help, I guarantee you that you will not stand any risk, as I have mapped out the strategy to have this cash box moved out of here safely through diplomatic courier means, you have to keep everything confidential until you receive the fund.

I have chosen to reveal this to you after my prayer and fasting, i believe that you will not betray my trust nor thwart my dream, though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without fully knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the right person to help me receive the fund for investment purposes.

I will need your guide line for good investment advise in your country as you know am a military personnel and I do not have business idea. I promise you (30%) from the total involved $3,000,000.00 USD

Hi, I am interested on your products, Pls, contact via multisales09@outlook.com I need the details

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