Jellana Giggs Dearest beloved in the Lord

From: Jellana Giggs <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 15:57:18 +0100
Subject: Dearest beloved in the Lord,

Dearest beloved in the Lord,

I am  Mrs. Jellena Giggs, A 65 years old woman, I am from Newzealand,
I was born as an orphan and GOD blessed me abundantly with riches but
no children, I am not a happy woman because i have no husband and
children, my husband died 21 years ago. I affected with cancer of the
lung and breast I also had partial stroke which has affected my
speech. I can no longer talk well and half of my body is paralyzed, I
send this email to you with the help of my private doctor who is
typing my request at China cancer research facility here in Cote

My condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may
not live more than 3 months, because the cancer stage has gotten to
its 3rd stage. After my Doctor Notice, i have decided to divide part
of my fortune by contributing to the Charities & Motherless. I don’t
know you but i am contacting you with the hope that, you will be able
to carry out

my wish for the sake of humanity. I am willing to donate the sum of
$10,500,000.00,Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand, United States
Dollars to the poor through you. I have also made some cash donations
to orphanage children in Somalia, Syria, Ethiopian, Cambodia,
Philippines, South Sudan
and some in south Africa and Europe. If you are willing and able to do
this task for the sake of humanity then send me below information for
more details to receive the funds.

1. name………………………..
2. phone number…………………
3. address……………………..

May GOD guide you.

Mrs. Jellena Giggs.

Mr. Andrew Tambo Offer For Contract Work

From: Mr. Andrew Tambo < >
Date: 21 Sep 2020 10:42:53 -0700
Subject: Offer For Contract Work

Good Day

I am the director of finance and supply ministry of minerals and
energy here in South Africa

Tender board recently awarded contract for the supply of computers to
higher institution of learning within the provinces in South
Africa.This project was sponsored by the world bank education
project,worth over USD$500 million under the universal basic education
scheme however, The contract was over invoiced in the excess of

This contractor has been paid and the outstanding surplus amount of
USD$25 million is still unclaimed at reserve bank of South Africa

This fund is ripe and ready to be transferred abroad, therefore if you
are willing to collaborate with me in order to move the fund to your
account abroad feel free to contact me so that we can negotiate the
process of the transfer and also the sharing formula. The nature of
your job does not matter in this deal

Please get back to me with my private Email :

Your Faithfully
Mr. Andrew Tambo
Ministry Of Minerals And Energy

mike donald FROM: MR. MIKE DONALD

From: mike donald <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 08:52:58 +0000

TEL: +27-78-7806649    

Dear, Good Friend,

I only got your contact details from the South Africa Exchange
Information On-line Service on my personal programmed search on the
internet for a reputable company or individual to assist me sincerely
& confidential which your information & profiles were very
satisfactory, so I decided to contact you immediately.

It is my great pleasure to write you this letter. Within the
Department of Minerals & Energy where I work as a Director of Audit
and Project Implementation, I have in my possession an overdue payment
in US funds. The said funds represent certain percentage of the total
contract value executed on behalf of my Department by a foreign
contracting firm, which, I the official over-invoiced to the amount of
US$10.500, 000.00 (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars).
Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original
contractor, leaving the excess balance unclaimed.

Since the present elected Government is determined to pay foreign
contractors all debts owed, so as to maintain good relationship with
foreign governments and non-government agencies, we included our bills
for approvals with the Department of Finance and the South Africa
Reserve Bank (SARB). I am seeking your assistance to front as
beneficiary of the unclaimed funds, since I am not allowed to operate
foreign accounts.

Details and change of beneficiary information upon application for
claim to reflect payment and approvals will be secured on behalf of
you/your Company. I have to propose that should you be willing to
assist me in this transaction your share as compensation will be
(35%), and the balance of (65%) will be for me.

The business is completely safe and secure, provided you treat it with
Utmost confidentiality. It does not matter whether you/your Company
does contract projects, as a transfer of powers will be secured in
favor of you/your Company. Also, your area of specialization is not a
hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. I have
reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint me.

Your urgent response please. Thanks for your co-operation. Contact me
on this number Tel: +27-78-7806649, Or Email Address: , for more information’s.


Mr. Mike Donald


From: "Joan Clos (UNITED NATION)"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 06:33:19 +0100

World Bank Assisted Program
Directorate Of International
Payment And Transfer.
Debt Reconciliation/Audit Unit
United Nations Headquarters,
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX028 United Nations.


Hello and Congratulations!!!

This is to acquaint you on the outcome of our 1 day

meeting held between the U.S Department of Homeland

security Washington DC, U.N International Financial

Investigation Unit and the Association of Better Business

Bureau to compensate all scam victims. Upon due

verification, we have jointly approved the sum US$1.5M

(One Million, Five hundred thousand United States

Dollars) for every confirmed victim. Your E-mail address

was selected through a just concluded random computer

ballot system, and you were among the few selected

beneficiary to be compensated at the ongoing year 2020

compensation program.

Furthermore, adequate arrangement has been put in place

for your approved payment to be remitted to you via

issuance of a Platinum Visa Debit Card that can be

accessible at any inter-switch cash machine anywhere in

the world.

Finally; for the purpose of proper verification of your

claims, it is imperative that you furnish us with the

following of your details necessary to process

release/remittance of your payment:

Your Full Name(s):
Your Direct Telephone Number:
Contact Address( For Your Visa Card Delivery)
Photocopy of any I.D you may have:

You are expected to forward the above information to the

Authorized Payment Center in South Africa below:


Contact Person: CLINT ANTHONY


Phone: +27-68-087-4958

You are advised to contact the above bank immediately

with your information to enable your fund processed and

released to you within the stipulated time frame.


Joan Clos.
Executive Director,
United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Standard Bank Your New IT3 b Certificate Updated

From: "Standard Bank" <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 21:10:20 -0700
Subject: Your New IT3(b) Certificate Updated

Dear Customer

Attached is your Standard Bank IT3(b) certificate. To view it you will
need to open the PDF attachment and follow the prompt to view your
IT3(b) certificate.

To view your IT3(b) Certificate you need to have Adobe PDF Reader
installed. If you do not have it, you will need to do the following:

– Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
– Go to the website
– Click the download button and follow the easy instructions


Standard Bank

Copyright Standard Bank Group Limited. All rights reserved.
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06).
Authorised financial services provider. Registered credit provider
(NCRCP15). Disclaimer and confidentiality note:
Everything in this email and any attachments relating to the official
business of Standard Bank Group Limited is proprietary to the group.
It is confidential, legally privileged and protected by law. We do not
own and endorse any other content.

The person addressed in the email is the sole authorised recipient.
Please notify the sender immediately if it has unintentionally reached
you and do not read disclose or use the content in any way.

Standard Bank Group cannot assume that the integrity of this
communication has been maintained nor that it is free of errors,
virus, interception or interference. For our privacy policy or
information about Standard Bank Group visit our website at  <Suspicious hyperlink> 

Standard Bank will never send you any email or other communication
asking you to update or provide confidential information about you or
your account. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of this
email or other emails you receive claiming to be from Standard Bank
please forward them to
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

tr hm Hi

From: tr hm <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 11:04:17 +0000
Subject: Hi


I am Mrs. Anna Cooper, from Australia, lived in South Africa for 20
years and currently residing in London United Kingdom, a widow to late
Dr. Andrew Cooper.
I am 75 years old, and presently suffering from Leukemia. My health
condition has gotten worse and just two weeks ago my doctor informed
me that my condition has reach a critical stage and that I have just 3
months left. This confirmation from my doctor was and still is
devastating news, it is hard to know that you have just a little time
left to live here. I selected you after searching few websites; I
prayed and was led to you. I want you to assist me in the transfer and
investment of Four Million, Six Hundred thousand United States Dollars
(USD$4,600,000.00) to your country. 

My late husband was a contractor in both South Africa and London, he
died in a plane crash and during the period of our marriage we could
not bear any child. 

My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all
his businesses and wealth both in South Africa and London-United
Kingdom. After the doctor’s medical pronunciation that I have just few
months to live, I decided to divide my wealth to contribute to your
country and Africa where my late husband as a contractor worked. I
also want you to use part of the fund to do great charity works in
your country, this is my last wish Lastly, I honestly pray that this
money when transferred will be used for the said purpose. I have come
to find out that wealth is vanity and I made a promise to God that my
wealth will be used to support the poor and the assist the sick.


 Contact me ( God bless you.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Anna Cooper 


David Allen Good News

From: David Allen <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 12:57:01 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Good News

#799 United Nations Plaza New York Ny 10017, (USA)
United Nations organization financial regulatory office:

The World Health Organization in collaboration with the United Nations
urgently offers a GBP500,000.00 funds relief compensation program
2020. You’re qualified and chosen for the WHO/UN (Covid19) outbreak
compensation commission payment of GBP500,000.00 only. Your Payment
will be released to you via Debit ATM Master Card delivery to address
or direct bank to bank transfer.

Note: Your payment can be redeemed from any of our 3 registered
countries (USA, UNITED KINGDOM AND SOUTH AFRICA) depending on your
allocation file reference.

For Claim do contact your processing agent immediately and remember to
furnish your details below.

1. Full Names:
2. Country:
3. State/City:
4. Contact Address:
5. Telephone Number:
6. Occupation:
7. Copy of Identification:
8. Your Alternative Email Address:

Processing Agent: Mr. Kumalo

Yours faithfully,
Prof. David Allen Quinn
United Nations, public information officer,
United Nations compensation commission fund.
************* ******************* *****

Department of Finance COVID-19 Support Funds.

From: Department of Finance <>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2020 06:37:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: COVID-19 Support Funds.

Dear Winner,

I am sorry for the embarrassment this mail might cause you but this is for good and you are lucky receiving this email from me. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the South Africa Government made some randomly selected and enlisted from the email addresses database and you are one of the 7 selected winning of COVID-19 approved winners for food supplies.

People think nothing good will come out from Africa but we are proving them wrong with this .The South Africa Government has secretly selected 7 people WORLDWIDE as COVID-19 Support for food supplies of Two Million Six Hundred Thousand US Dollars. You were randomly selected and to help in getting this done, You will have to use Six Hundred Thousand US Dollars for supplies of food to your community and Two Million US Dollars will be for you as the winner and efforts in getting this done.

Kindly confirm with us if you are ready to claim your winnings so as to proceed with the delivery within the next 24 hours of claim. We have been having a hard time getting in touch with you, while waiting for your response.

DISBURSEMENT: All winnings remitted to winners is not a loan. Your winning does not affect your grant benefit and welfare. We will need you to provide some information to confirm your identity so that we are sure that the winning would be delivered to the right winner. There have been cases with theft and false claims. Your winnings will be delivered to you via bank wire transfer of delivery couriers as soon as the information required is duly filled and processed. This means you can either receive Cash, Cheque or an ATM Card.

CLAIMS: In order to claim your winning, Fill in the following questionnaire respectively.

Full Names :
Full Home Address, City, State and Postcode :
Cell Phone Number :
E-mail :
Occupation :
Date Of Birth :
Marital Status :
Next Of Kin :
Any disabilities :
How would you like to receive your winnings? Cash, Cheque or Bank wire transfer.
Preferred date of winning delivery :

Note:All winning must be remitted to winners within 24 hours after they must have selected a winning amount. All funds will be returned to the Department of Finance treasury account as unclaimed funds if any delays afterwards. Seek advice from our 24 hours online claims agent and do forward your reply to


Mr. Tito Mboweni,
South Africa’s Finance Minister.

keenan venter hello

From: keenan venter <>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 13:31:43 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: hello

Dear Friend

 You may be surprise to receive this mail since you don’t know me
personally, but with due respect, trust and humility, I am sending
this proposal mail to you. Officially I am Mr. James Kaba the son of
Mr. Musa Kaba of Darfur Sudan, and my mother Mrs. Fatima Kaba. It is
indeed my pleasure to contact you for an assistance of a business
venture which I intend to establish in your country.

 I got your contact while I was doing  some private research on the
Internet for a reliable foreign partner that will assist me and my
family to transfer some funds to your company’s or private  Bank
account for investment purpose, though I have not met with you before,
but considering the recent political instabilities our my country
South Sudan, of which if you are current with the situation of South
Sudan my country or Sudan in general my story will not be like a news
to your ears, I  therefore believe  that I have to  take risk
confiding in  you for the success in my life since we have not meet
with each other for the first time.

The fund in question is huge, amounting (US25 Million.) (TWENTY FIVE
 MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS) which my late Father deposited in the
Republic of South Africa, and in a private security company awaiting
claim before he was assassinated by unknown persons during this war in
Darfur Sudan.

 Now I have decided to invest the funds in your country or anywhere
safe for security reasons. I have mutually agreed to compensate you
with 40% of the total amount if you agree to assist me. You can
contact me through this Email: (

All I require is your honest & kind co-operation. I will give you
further details as soon as you show interest in helping me.

I wait for your kind consideration to my proposal.

 Best Regard,

 Mr. Jame Kaba.

John Mark Investment Proposal

From: John Mark <>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2020 08:51:04 +0200
Subject: Investment Proposal

ATTN: Managing Director,

I humbly wish to seek your assistance in matter that is very important
and  needs utmost trust and confidence.

I am John Mark., a close confidant of one of South African most
powerful  family.The wife of former top Government official, a gold
magnet (Original
owner of Kruger Gold Co).i.e. Late Chief Bamunga Sango Mbeki, former
Junior Minister of Mines and Power Federal republic of South Africa.

Unfortunately, he died soon after handing over because the new
government  wanted to probe his activities while in office for
appropriations. Presently, all his foreign and local account was
frozen and  their assets confiscated.

The wife wishes to move out of South Africa the sum of US$42Million
she  wishes to invest the aforementioned sum in viable investment
overseas. For
obvious reasons, my client does not want to place this fund with
established financial institution with the family name for security
reasons. It is her desire that the deal be handled as quietly as
possible  without possibility of any leakage to public or government.

She has therefore empowered me to find and negotiate for a reliable
and trustworthy foreigner who can assist to invest the fund properly
for the
family. If you agree to act as a fund manager for my client and the
family, I shall release the sum of US$42Million to you if you with a
security company coded and lodged in with a fictitious name.

Upon a favorable response from you, I shall let you know of the steps

1 Your full names

2 Your present contact address.

3 Your telephone & Fax numbers.

4 Your Occupations/age/sex.

5 Your Private Email Address.

Your commission shall be down payment of 15% of the total sum, that is
US$6.3 and annual 10% of the after tax returns on investment for the
first 5 years.

Thereafter, the terms shall be re-negotiated. If you are capable and
willing to participate in this transaction contact me through my above
email for a heart to heart discussion, less I look for someone else.


John Mark.

Ann Cooper Nigel

From: Ann Cooper<>
Date: 1 Sep 2020 08:49:02 -0700
Subject: Nigel

Hello Nigel,

I am Mrs. Ann Cooper, from Australia, lived in South Africa for
20years and currently residing in London United Kingdom, a widow to
late Dr. Andrew Cooper. I am 75 years old, and presently suffering
from Leukaemia.

My health condition has gotten worse and just two weeks ago my doctor
informed me that my condition has reach a critical stage, and that I
have just 3 months left. This confirmation from my doctor was and
still is a devastating news, it is hard to know that you have just a
little time left to live here.

My late husband was a contractor in both South Africa and London, he
died in a plane crash and during the period of our marriage we could
not bear any child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his
death, I inherited all his businesses and wealth both in South Africa
and London-United Kingdom.

After the doctor’s medical pronunciation that I have just few
months to live, I decided to divide my wealth to contribute to your
country and Africa where my late husband as a contractor made lots of
money. I want to assist you with the funds to do great charity works
in your country, this is my last wish. I selected you after searching
few websites; I prayed and was led to you. I am willing to donate the
of Four Million, Six Hundred thousand United States Dollars
(USD$4,600,000.00) to the less privileged through you.

Please I want to transfer this money to you as I am travelling to
South Africa soonest to have my lawyer amend my WILL. If you can
handle this fund and very sure to do charity works on my behalf then I
will include your name in my WILL when in South Africa, and from there
I will travel to Australia to meet a specialist as I want to be buried
alongside my late husband when I passed on. Note that this fund is in
the financial institution and upon my instruction; I will file in an
application through my family attorney for the transfer of the money
into your account for the said purpose.

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used
for the said purpose even though I might be late then. I have come to
find out that wealth is vanity and I made a promise to God that my
wealth will be used to support the poor and the assist the sick. Do
let me know if you will be able to handle this fund and use it for the
said purpose so that I will inform my attorney and my bank on my

Reply :

God bless you

Mrs. Ann Cooper

…………… ……………..
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christine marran Dearest beloved in the Lord

From: christine marran <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2020 16:04:28 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Dearest beloved in the Lord,

Dearest beloved in the Lord,

I am Mrs.Christine Marran,a 75 years old woman,i am from United Kingdom England,i was born an orphan and GOD blessed me abundantly with riches but no children,i am not a happy woman because i have no husband and children,my husband died 21 years ago.i affected with cancer of the lung and breast i also had partial stroke which has affected my speech.I can no longer talk well and half of my body is paralyzed, i send this email to you with the help of my private female nurse who is typing my request at china cancer research facility.

My condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that i may not live more than 3 weeks, because the cancer stage has gotten to its 3rd stage.After my Doctor Notice, i have decided to divide part of my fortune by contributing to the Charities & Motherless.
I don’t know you but i am contacting you with the hope that,you will be able to carry out my wish for the sake of humanity.i am willing to donate the sum of ?10,500,000.00,Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand,Great Britain Pound to the poor through you.I have also made some cash donations to orphanage children in somalia, Syria,Ethiopian,Cambodia,Philippines,south Sudan and some in south Africa and Europe.

If you are willing and able to do this task for the sake of humanity then send me below information for more details to

receive the private email

1. name………………………..
2. phone number…………………
3. address……………………..

May GOD guide you.

Mrs.Christine Marran .


Reply: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 15:59:21 -0700


Compliments of the day to you and I hope you are keeping safe. By way
of introduction, I am Mr. Kenneth Robertson. I work with one of the
major banks here in South Africa. I would respectfully request that
you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the
integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail. I
have a business proposal which I believe would be of interest to you.
It concerns a deceased client and an estate he left behind, without
naming a beneficiary to the funds left behind.
There is Fifty Eight Million Three Hundred and Seventy Thousand
United State Dollars ($58,370,000.00) deposited and I alone have the
deposit details and the bank will release the deposit to no one unless
I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this
deposit for as far as my Bank is concerned. The transaction with our
deceased customer ended when the bank could not locate the next of kin
as none was stated when he set up the secret account. I have carefully
moved the funds to the transfer department in a special account
pending when I will find a trusted person that will receive the funds
on my behalf overseas.
They are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any
party that comes forward with the documents which I will provide for
you. This is the situation. This bank has spent great amounts of money
trying to track this man’s family; they have investigated for months
and have found no family. The investigation has come to an end.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position to give
instruction for the release of the deposit to you as the closest
surviving relation since you are a foreigner like he was. Upon receipt
of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half.
That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them
release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 60/40.
I want to invest my own share with your help in your country/company
if you assist me to the funds out to your account. I have never been a
business man and don’t know anything about it so I am depending on you
for assistance in investing the funds in any profitable business.
If its in your interest to proceed with the transaction, please
respond to this email account with your contact number and I will give
you a more detailed information of the source and origin of the estate
as well as the transaction proper. This is 100% risk free and all
legal documents to make the transaction completely legal will be
procured. I anticipate your cooperation while I also expect you to
keep the content of this letter very confidential.
Mr. Kenneth Robertson

Mr Kevin Vassell ATTENTION

From: "Mr Kevin Vassell" <>
Reply: .(
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2020 00:59:26 +0300
Subject: ATTENTION!!!

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is kevin vassell, A Chartered Management Accountant and an
External Auditor
for financial institutes in Republic of South Africa.I currently work
with a team of
 external auditors who were retained before the outbreak of the
covid-19 pandemic to
 audit financial activities in the South Africa.

I may have to trouble your sense of personal achievement and reward
for an opportunity
properly taken advantage of.In the course of a routine audit of our
books last quarter,
 I discovered some investment accounts that have been dormant for
over eleven years.
 Most of the accounts belong to a single beneficiary. I wish to
notify you again that
you were listed as a beneficiary to the total sum of $4,500,000.00
(Four million five hundred thousand united states dollars)in the
intent of the deceased depositor
who died intestate and as such, no next-of-kin has come forward all
these years to lay claim to the investment.
( Names now withheld for security reasons ) Since this is our second
letter to you.

We contacted you because you bear the same last name with the deceased
expatriate investor/depositor
and therefore we can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance
since there is no written will
from our late investor. Our services aim to provide you with a
complete service as we are prepared
to provide you with all the documents required by the holding Bank to
enable them release this
inheritance funds to you . we can secure the funds in this bank
account for ourselves instead of
allowing it transmit as “unclaimed funds” into the Treasury of the
Government of the countries.

All the papers work required will be processed in your acceptance of
this deal
as we are prepared to offer you 40%,50% for us,while 10% should be
given to any Orphanage Home.

we request that you kindly forward to us your letter of acceptance via

Your prompt response is highly imperative.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.kevin vassell

Kathy Collins Attn: Director Ceo

From: "Kathy Collins" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:37:13 +0100
Subject: Attn: Director/Ceo

Attn: Director/Ceo

I am the director of finance and supply ministry of minerals and
energy here in south Africa

Tender board recently awarded contract for the supply of computers to
higher institution of learning within the provinces in south Africa.
This project was sponsored by the world bank education project,worth
over USD$500 million under the universal basic education scheme
however, The contract was over invoiced in the excess of

This contractor has been paid and the outstanding surplus amount of
USD$25 million is still unclaimed at reserve bank of south Africa

This fund is ripe and ready to be transferred abroad, therefore if you
are willing to collaborate with me in order to move the fund to your
account abroad feel free to contact me so that we can negotiate the
process of the transfer and also the sharing formula. The nature of
your job does not matter in this deal

Your Faithfully
Mrs Kathy Collins
Ministry Of Minerals And Energy

Ann Cooper Foundation invitation

From: Ann Cooper<>
Date: 26 Aug 2020 19:49:25 -0700
Subject: Foundation invitation

Hello Nigel,

I am Mrs. Ann Cooper, from Australia, lived in South Africa for
20years and currently residing in London United Kingdom, a widow to
late Dr. Andrew Cooper. I am 75 years old, and presently suffering

My health condition has gotten worse and just two weeks ago my doctor
informed me that my condition has reach a critical stage, and that I
have just 3 months left. This confirmation from my doctor was and
still is a devastating news, it is hard to know that you have just a
little time left to live here.

My late husband was a contractor in both South Africa and London, he
died in a plane crash and during the period of our marriage we could
not bear any child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his
death, I inherited all his businesses and wealth both in South Africa
and London-United Kingdom.

After the doctor’s medical pronunciation that I have just few
months to live, I decided to divide my wealth to contribute to your
country and Africa where my late husband as a contractor made lots of
money. I want to assist you with the funds to do great charity works
in your country, this is my last wish. I selected you after searching
few websites; I prayed and was led to you. I am willing to donate the
of Four Million, Six Hundred thousand United States Dollars
(USD$4,600,000.00) to the less privileged through you.

Please I want to transfer this money to you as I am travelling to
South Africa soonest to have my lawyer amend my WILL. If you can
handle this fund and very sure to do charity works on my behalf then I
will include your name in my WILL when in South Africa, and from there
I will travel to Australia to meet a specialist as I want to be buried
alongside my late husband when I passed on. Note that this fund is in
the financial institution and upon my instruction; I will file in an
application through my family attorney for the transfer of the money
into your account for the said purpose.

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used
for the said purpose even though I might be late then. I have come to
find out that wealth is vanity and I made a promise to God that my
wealth will be used to support the poor and the assist the sick. Do
let me know if you will be able to handle this fund and use it for the
said purpose so that I will inform my attorney and my bank on my

Reply :

God bless you

Mrs. Ann Cooper

Disclaimer: This contains 2020 cPanel, Inc. Information.
This email is confidential and may have legal privilege.
If you are not the intended recipient, or if you have received this
email in error, please delete it immediately and ensure that
all copies and attachments have been destroyed and notify the sender
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Standard Bank Payment confirmation

From: "Standard Bank" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 03:59:25 -0700
Subject: Payment confirmation

Dear User

A payment has been made to your account. To view the details of the
payment, please open the attached PDF file.

You may require Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to open the PDF
file. If you do not have this software, you can download it free of
charge from <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink> .

If you have any questions or would like more information, email or call our Customer Contact Centre on
0860 123 000. If you are calling from outside South Africa, call 27 11
299 4114.

Our consultants are available between 8am and 9pm on weekdays, and 8am
and 4pm on weekends and public holidays.

Standard Bank


South Africa 0860 123 000
 <Suspicious hyperlink> 
 <Suspicious hyperlink>

International 27 11 299 4701
Standard Bank Group


Copyright Standard Bank. All rights reserved.
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06).
Authorised financial services provider.
Registered credit provider NCR CP15.

The Standard Bank email disclaimer


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 02:48:13 +0200

Dear Sir

I will like to discuss this business with you and it has nothing to do
with someone in my country believe me is only you that is outside
south Africa can handle this deal. i only got your contact details
from when I was searching for a friend Information On-line Service on
my personal programmed search on the internet for an individual to
assist with sincerely & confidential which your information & profiles
were very satisfactory; so I decided to contact you immediately. It is
my great pleasure to write you this letter and this email is my
private email as we need to keep this transaction as a confidential.

Within the bank where I work as an account officer; I want to tell you
that I work with Absa bank of South Africa. And here in our bank I
discovered that a customer deposited the sum of USD6 Million in our
bank On my finding i discovered that he passed away on the covid-19
since then none of his relative came for the funds claim and I don’t
think anyone knows about this fund. I am his account officer.

So I am writing to you as I will want you to stand as his next of kin
so that the funds will be released to you. It is pure deal transaction
between me and you. I am seeking your assistance to front as the next
of kin to the unclaimed deceased funds; an application for claim to
reflect payment and approvals will be secured on behalf of your name
as I have a good lawyer friend who will help us proceed with
everything to my bank making an application with your name to my bank
as you been the next of kin and for the release of the funds to you in
any of your account in overseas and not here in my country south

 but the funds need to be transferred out of south Africa. I have to
propose that should you be willing to assist me in this transaction
your share as compensation will be (30%) I will then get (65%) with
the lawyer who will be assisting us and the balance of (5%) for
taxation and miscellaneous expenses incurred during the transfer
process. The business is completely safe and secure; provided you
treat it with Utmost confidentiality. As a transfer of powers of
attorney will be secured in favor of your name through my lawyer
friend and for my bank to release the funds on your name as the next
of kin. ..

I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not
disappoint me. Your urgent response needed. Please kindly contact me
back on my private email:

Thanks Mr. thomason wilcox

“RK&K” and “RK&K Engineers” are registered trade names of Rummel,
Klepper & Kahl, LLP, a Maryland limited liability partnership. This
message contains confidential information intended only for the person
or persons named above. If you have received this message in error,
please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete the
message. Thank you.

RK&K is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all
levels. RK&K does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, political
affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic
information, age, parental status, military and veteran status, and
any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Consistent with
the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, we also note
that RK&K does not discriminate in its selection or retention of
subcontractors on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. We
also note that RK&K will ensure that Minorities will be afforded full
opportunity to submit proposals and not be discriminated against on
the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an

John Smith Molokwe Good Day

From: John Smith Molokwe <>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 13:28:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Good Day

Good Day
Top of the day to you, My names are John Smith Molokwe, I work for the department of mining and energy as a project
implementation and inspection manager. I have a beneficial and long lasting transaction I would like to do with you,for
details email me.
Best Regards,
John Smith Molokwe
Building 2 C, Trevenna Campus,
Cnr Meintjes and Francis Baard Street,
Schoeman St, Sunnyside, 0007
South Africa


From: "Mrs. ZOLEKA" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:47:31 +0200
Subject: GOOD DAY

GOOD DAY, with due respect, I must apologize for this unsolicited
message, I am aware that this is certainly not a conventional way of
approaching an unknown person for establishment of project and
investment. But I respectfully    insist you read this message
carefully before you either make your decision of proceeding or
deleting my message as I am optimistic it will be successful for
unimaginable financial benefit for both of us. I am Mrs.  ZOLEKA
MANDELA, I am a book writer. The Grand Daughter of South African icon
and freedom fighter Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa
from 1994 till 1999, who died on December 5, 2013 after a protracted
lung infection contracted during his 27 years of incarceration in
Robin Island prison.

I managed to get your contact details online here in Johannesburg
South Africa in my desperate search for a trustworthy person to assist
me in this confidential business transaction. My Late Mother ZINDZI
MANDELA has just died on 13th July 2020, and she left behind some
funds in a trust fund account amounting to (US$10.5Million United
States Dollars). I want this fund transferred out of South Africa for
investments, and some of it be used for charity. Please kindly ignore
it immediately. If interested; kindly responses via my email, your
full names, private phone numbers, or call me. GOD BLESSES.

With Regards, in sincerity,
Phone: No +27 -73-4444-602
4th Street Houghton Estates
Johannesburg South Africa

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