Francis John Re: Good Day

From: "Francis John"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 03:28:33 +0800
Subject: Re: Good Day


I was just wondering if you had a chance to review the previous email
I sent to you. I understand that you are busy, but I would appreciate
if you could review this brief message and respond to me as quickly as

My name is Francis John of the Global Financial Consultant (GFC).
This proposal is strictly based on trust, a political class
whose name was withheld from this Island due to strict note
he left behind before his death. He left behind £55,000,000.00
(Fifty Five Million Euros) for his retirement, he later died
of Corvid in 2019. He had no next of Kin and I am contacting you
today because you can inherit this fortune through some legal
procedures if you can play the role of his next of Kin.

If you accept this proposal half of the amount £55,000,000.00
(Fifty five Million Euro) will be transferred to you via wire
transfer while the other half will be for the lawyer and I.
If you are interested, kindly get back to me urgently so that
I can explain to you all the relevant details for us to proceed
with the legal binding documents.

I look forward to your quick response. Kindly reply to this my
private email address with your contact
information, thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Francis John
Global Financial Consultant

Dean Mylof Is this email address still in use

From: "Dean Mylof"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 10:53:57 -0700
Subject: Is this email address still in use?

My name is Dean Mylof,I sent you two emails and you did not react. I also sent you another message a few days ago with more details, but you still did not respond.
I’m curious if you’re still using this email address.
I am genuinely sorry if you did not receive those emails; I will resend them as soon as you confirm you did not receive them..

Dean Mylof

Jade Pritchard Debt Reconcilation

From: "Jade Pritchard"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 18:09:59 +0100
Subject: Debt Reconcilation
My name is Jade Pritchard and I work for a debt recovery firm based in Bristol, UK. We are licensed by the

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and appointed by the World Bank, IMF, European Central Bank(ECB), US

Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world to recover debts owed to contractors, loan and

investment seekers as well as inheritance beneficiaries.

We are also instructed to recover all illegal fees paid by persons or entities who never received the actual

sum after paying fees and following the laid down procedures. We have been mandated to ensure that all

those affected receive their rightful dues by using all recovery means available and in line with the

recommended recovery ethics.

Therefore, I urge you to contact our Managing Director, Mr. Lee Davis on with all the

details of your claim, namely, amount involved, date of transaction, reason of payment and your contact

details for ease of communication. We are determined to ensure that the directive is enforced and all those

affected receive their rightful dues.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Jade Pritchard
Director, Client Services


Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 02:18:28 -0700
Subject: Hello

My name is Mr Harry George i could not hide this great testimony of a
powerful spell caster that took place in my life Dr Isaac osin he
bring back my ex wife back who left me since one year because i could
not get her pregnant it real broke my heart because i love her very
much and i do not just want to loose her like that because i could
remember how we started our relationship before we were both married
since seven years we have no child and it really course us pain in our
home, we went to different hospital to make a test to no what was
wrong but it was me the Doctor said they i cannot impregnate a woman
it was a great shock to me my ex wife left me but it really broke my
heart i do not no what to do i was confuse in life each day i cry and
cry but no solution to my problem i contacted some spell caster but
they could not solve my problem i was totally confuse until i told my
cousin and he told me that he knew of one powerful spell caster that
can help me that the spell caster also help him to solve a problem
that almost take his life but i have no choice i said let me try i
contacted him through ( i told him my
problem and promise to help me it was a greatest surprise to me before
three days my ex wife who left me since a year came back to me and i
have a sex with her she was pregnant and give birth to a set of twice
it was a greatest surprise to me and was even a shock to my wife it
was just like a dream but it was the powerful spell caster of
( i can now impregnate any woman of my
choice that is why i will continue sharing my testimony to every body
in the forum once again a very big thanks to him, if you have any kind
of problem or difficulties disturbing your life you are advice to
contact this powerful spell caster for help because he save my life
and win my marriage again.the spell caster don’t charge for his work
all you need to do is to contact him and tell him your problem, he is
ever ready to solve any kinds of problems, he is best spell caster in
the hole wide world.Even if you have the people who took your money
and ran away with it, it can also cast a spell on them to return your
money back. You can also contact him at Whats-pp +2348160982708.

Have a great day


Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 15:12:29 -0700
_ Dearest In Christ,

My name is Pastor John Mike Hutu. I am 65 years old. I am writing to
you from my hospital bed, because recently my doctor confirmed that my
cancer disease which I have been treating for about 2 years now risks
taking my life.

To present the act to which I have expressed this desire as I would
like to donate what I have inherited from my family so you can fulfill
my last wish.

However, I wanted to kill two birds with a stone, by confining this
important project to you which is very important to me, that means to
help the orphans, underprivileged children and then to provide
sufficient funds that will enable you to establish a small-scale

I will like you to promise me that you will abide by my request and
desire that you will not go contrary to my wish.

Now the last of my money which no one knows of is the cash deposit of
five million US Dollars ($5,000,000,00) that I have with a
Shipping/Security Company . I will want you to help me claim it from
them,Because the doctor said that I will die soon.

Please get back to me immediately so that i can tell you how to go
about this project for me.God bless you amen.

Send your reply to my email address: (

(1) Your direct phone number….
(2) Your complete address ……
(3) Your full name…………..
(4) Your occupation and age…..

Yours sincerely
Pastor John Mike Hutu. _


Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 12:44:16 -0700
Dear Beneficiary,

My Name is John O. Williams, I am in charge of all unpaid
Inheritance/Contract fund which all process of payment in your favor is in
progress. A power of attorney was forwarded to my office this morning by
your local associates and a Foreign partner Mr. ALBERT HILL to claim your

This gentleman claimed to be the representative of your company, and this
power of attorney stated that you have died, they brought a picture of your
burial and an account to replace your information and claimed your fund
which it is right now lying DORMANT and UNCLAIMED, below is the new account
they have submitted:

ACCOUNT NO. 2984-0008-66

Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that you
suffered and died of a throat cancer/COVID-19 . he also brought your burial
pictures in confirmation that you are dead. You are therefore given 48 hrs
to confirm the truth in this information if you are still alive .

As soon as we hear from you and confirm, we shall proceed with all
arrangements for prompt payment.

You are advised to reconfirm the following information:

Full Name:
Full Address:
Amount in question:
Telephone Number :

You are advised to stop all communication with any office here and abroad
for prompt payment. We are working to serve you better.

I await your urgent response.


John O. Williams.

Susan Watkins Crypto Recovery Case : CFRP-M48

From: "Susan Watkins" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 12:37:48 +0000
Subject: Crypto Recovery Case #: CFRP-M48

Hello Sir / Ma


My name is SUSAN WATKINS, I’m a Global investigative expert
for crypto invested /Lost funds Recovery-Group (RG)

The claimed to be genuine and legitimate companies couldn’t renew
their licenses to continue. 

Be informed that your funds have been recovered and ready to be sent
by the refund Dept.


Best regards,


Reporting Coordinator – GRC

Global Recovery Regulating Organization

Block chain Dept. (London, United Kingdom)


Ehab El Elbalawi Do Last Wish…

From: "Ehab El Elbalawi"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 15:13:45 +0800
Subject: Do Last Wish...
Dear Beloved Friend,
Goodday,i am writing you this mail with all honesty and sincerity from the depth of my heart
as my days are short and numbered right now according to my illness and medical reports. My name
is Ehab El Elbalawi a business merchant in Dubai,Qatar,Europe and Hong Kong,Asia.I have been diagnosed
with Esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about few months
to live, according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for too
much for anyone, not even myself as i was busy with my businesses and travels.Though I am very rich, I was never
generous,I was always hostile to people and only focused on my businesses as that was the only thing I cared for.But
now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the
world. I believe when i am given a second chance to come to this world I would live my life in a different way from
how I have lived it.Now that i will be dying soon, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my
immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends.I want our creator to be merciful to me and
accept my soul so,I have decided to give also to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good
deeds I do on earth. So far, I have tried to distribute to some charity organizations around the world
and country like Ukraine and some countries in Africa. through some family members Now that my health has
deteriorated so badly as I cannot do this myself anymore but i later found that my family members were greedy as
they refused to follow my wish and kept all the money to themselves for the their selfish interest. Hence, I do not
Trust anyone of them anymore, as they seem not to be contented with what I have left for them.So The last of my funds
and huge fortunes that is amounting to millions of United States Dollars which no one knows of is in a deposit with a
Vaults Security Company abroad which right now will want your help with trust in helping me collect this deposits
as my beneficiary/next of kin and distribute the funds accordingly in helping the poor,homeless,motherless and destitute
persons of which I have set aside 20% of the funds for you, your family and your time invested on this also any expenses
incurred during this assignments,i will write you back with more details once i hear back from you and write back at my
private email:
Best Regards,
Ehab El Elbalawi.

Ayca Bulut My name is Ayca Bulut.

From: Ayca Bulut <>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2023 18:42:38 +0100
Subject: My name is Ayca Bulut.

Hello sir/ma.

My name is Ayca Bulut.I am 16 year old surviving daughter of Late Engr
Mazhar Bulut from Turkey.I lost my Parents to the earthquake of
February 6, 2023.I am contacting you from the house of my uncles here
in Gaziantep who came to pick me up from the government provided camp.
Since my stay in this house my uncle.My Late father’s brothers have
been asking me questions concerning my late father’s documents which
includes,bank documents,property documents and also company
registration documentS.Right now my life is in danger because i really
do not know their plans towards me.

I made a promise to my late father that I would become a medical
doctor because my dad was healed of an illness while he was still
alive and he told me to make sure that I contribute in saving lives
just as he was saved by a female doctor. I am contacting you right now
to help me to actualize my dreams by standing in for me as my foster
parent to help me to relocate to your country by using my late
father’s money which is in a bank unknown to my uncle where I will be
able to continue my education .Please reply to me with my email

I will be stopping here till I get to read from you.

Please remember me in your prayers as I am not sure of my tomorrow.

Ayca Bulut
God Bless You

Eric Phillips Do you still use this email address

From: "Eric Phillips"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 20:55:06 -0700
Subject: Do you still use this email address?

My name is Eric Phillips,I have sent you two emails and you did not respond,also sent another message a few days ago with more details still no response from you.
I want to know if you are still using this email ID?
I am VERY SORRY if sincerely you did not receive those emails,I will resend it now as soon as you confirm you never received them.

Eric Phillips.

Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk I am donating 4 800 000.00 Dollars to you.

From: "Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk" <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 02:30:59 +0100
Subject: I am donating $4,800,000.00 Dollars to you.
My name is Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk from the USA, I am donating
$4,800,000.00 Dollars to you because your email is among the lucky
winners for my Powerball jackpot Lottery winner worth $768 Million
Dollars, contact me for your claim my email are

Global Shipping Partner Discover Lucrative Opportunities in Moroccan Products -…

From: Global Shipping Partner <>
Reply: <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 05:15:41 -0400
Subject: Discover Lucrative Opportunities in Moroccan Products -...
Dear Client,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Yassine, and I
represent GSP, a leading provider of comprehensive logistics and
outsourcing solutions based in Morocco. Our mission is to help
businesses like yours capitalize on the vast potential of Moroccan
products that are in high demand in European markets.

MOROCCO is renowned for its diverse array of products that cater to
the preferences and requirements of European consumers. Some of the
most sought-after Moroccan products in Europe include:

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PRODUCTS: Moroccan fruits, vegetables, and
spices are known for their rich flavors and exceptional quality,
making them a popular choice in European markets.

TEXTILES AND CLOTHING: Moroccos skilled artisans produce a wide range
of textile products, such as carpets, traditional garments, and
high-quality fabrics, which are highly valued in Europe.

Handicrafts and home décor: Moroccan handicrafts, including pottery,
ceramics, and intricately designed lamps, have long been appreciated
by European customers for their uniqueness and craftsmanship.

BEAUTY AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS: Moroccan argan oil, rose water, and
other natural cosmetics have gained a loyal following in Europe due to
their proven benefits and eco-friendly production methods.

We, at GSP, are dedicated to providing a seamless and hassle-free
experience for businesses looking to tap into these lucrative
opportunities. Our range of services includes:

SOURCING AND PROCUREMENT: We work closely with reliable Moroccan
suppliers to ensure that you receive the best quality products at
competitive prices.

CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AND DOCUMENTATION: Our expert team navigates the
complexities of Moroccan customs procedures, making the import process
smooth and efficient.

EXPORT AND IMPORT SUPPORT: We offer comprehensive assistance in
managing the entire export and import process, from coordinating with
local and international carriers to overseeing the delivery of your

LAST-MILE DELIVERY SOLUTIONS: Our strong connections with local
trucking companies guarantee timely and cost-effective delivery to
your desired destinations.

We are excited to explore the possibility of partnering with your
esteemed organization and assisting you in unlocking the full
potential of Moroccan products in the European market.

Please dont hesitate to reach out to us at or +212 6 68 36 02 10 to schedule a
call or a meeting at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you and
contributing to your business success.

Warm regards,


Director of Marketing


The Email contained an excessively large subject. For aesthethic reasons we have truncated the message in the title and reproduce the full subject below.

Discover Lucrative Opportunities in Moroccan Products – Boost Your Business with Our Expertise

Nathan Salesforce Staff Augmentation Professional Services

From: Nathan <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 21:21:10 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Salesforce Staff Augmentation & Professional Services
Dear Nigel,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Nathan and I am reaching out from HIC Global Solutions, a leading provider of Salesforce staff augmentation and professional services.

We understand that as a business, you are always looking for ways to optimize your Salesforce platform and make the most out of your investment. That’s where we come in. Our team of certified Salesforce professionals can help you with a wide range of services including:

1. Staff augmentation: We can provide you with additional Salesforce resources to help with your current projects or to support your ongoing operations.

2. Custom development: We can help you build custom solutions on the Salesforce platform to meet your unique business needs.

3. Integration and data migration: We can assist you with integrating Salesforce with other systems and migrating your data to the platform.

4. Training and support: We can provide training and ongoing support to ensure that your team is fully proficient in using Salesforce.

We have a proven track record of delivering successful Salesforce projects for clients across a range of industries. Our team is made up of certified Salesforce professionals with a wealth of experience and knowledge.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you optimize your Salesforce platform and drive business success, please let me know. I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss this further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
HIC Global Solutions.

Lena Arvidsson HI

From: Lena Arvidsson <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 15:51:24 +0000
Subject: HI

I hope that you are at your best and doing well. The purpose of this
letter is seeking for a pen pal like friendship and I’d love to and be
honored to be friends with you if you do not mind.. If the Idea sounds
OK with you, just say yes and we can take it on from there. I look
forward to hear hearing from you.. My name is Lena From Sweden 36
years , this will mean a lot to me to hear back from you.

Warm Regards.


Lena Arvidsson HI

From: Lena Arvidsson <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 21:47:44 +0000
Subject: HI

I hope that you are at your best and doing well. The purpose of this
letter is seeking for a pen pal like friendship and I’d love to and be
honored to be friends with you if you do not mind.. If the Idea sounds
OK with you, just say yes and we can take it on from there. I look
forward to hear hearing from you.. My name is Lena From Sweden 36
years , this will mean a lot to me to hear back from you.
Warm Regards.

Ms.Amaira Singh

From: "Ms.Amaira Singh" <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 07:39:57 +0100
Hello my dear friend

Good day to you, I apologize for giving you this message without a
formal introduction because of the urgency of the matter. I’m glad to
know you But the Almighty Lord knows you better and knows why He
directed me to you at this moment.First of all, I am looking for a
good and reliable next of kin online. Due to urgency,I must fulfill my
last wish before I die soon. I am writing you this letter with heavy
tears in my eyes and great sadness in my heart.

My name is Mrs.Amaira Singh, I am from India and was married to
Mr.Peter Singh who worked in the Tunisian Embassy in Switzerland for
eighteen years before he died in 2014. When my late husband was alive,
he deposited a sum of ($2,850,000.00) Two million eight hundred and
fifty thousand dollars in the bank. This money is still pending in the
bank, He made it available before his sudden death to export gold from
Madrid in Spain. Recently, my doctor told me that I would not last
three months due to my current illness. What bothers me the most is

Knowing my condition, I have decided to give you this money to take
care of the less privileged people in the world and I will please ask
you to use this money as I am going to direct here. I would like you
to take 30 percent of this money for personal use and for your effort
and dedication in working on a charity project, while 70 percent of
the money will be used to work on a charity project and help out at
the orphanage,I grew up as an orphan and have no member of my family.

Also make sure that the house of God will be supported by these funds.
I do this so that God accepts my soul when I die soon because these
diseases have affected me so much. When I receive your answer I will
give you the contact details of the bank and instruct My Lawyer to
issue you with all the necessary documents proving that you are the
current beneficiary of this money in the bank, that is, if you assure
me that you will follow what I have told you here. I hope for your
reply if you are serious about this project and want to commit to it,
because I believe that I can trust you completely. Yours faithfully,
Sister. Amaira Singh.

Dennis Pattridge Hello

From: "Dennis Pattridge"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 6 May 2023 09:51:28 -0700
Subject: Hello

My name is Mr. Dennis Pattridge, I am a consultant and program manager. I have High profile individuals willing to offer direct investment/Loan
funds to your company to enable you to invest in any business you deem profitable.

If you can achieve this, let me have your feedback.

Mr. D.P.

Rolf Michielson It has been long

From: Rolf Michielson <>
Date: 05 May 2023 18:35:39 +0200
Subject: It has been long

Hello Nigel,

My name is Rolf Michielson. I am a financial consultant/attorney. My
client has a substantial amount of money $10.5M to invest in any good
business that will bring good return on investment either in your
country or anywhere in the world. My client is looking for a reliable,
trustworthy and competent person to partner with. If you are
interested, I will like you to email me the following:





My client is willing to negotiate the terms and conditions to suit
your best interest. My client will fund the investment from start to
finish and is willing to share profit 50-50. If you find this letter
encouraging, please indicate by a return email so we can proceed at

Please respond directly to my direct email, whatsapp or telephone


WHATSAPP: +44 7467-798-558

Yours truly

Rolf Michielson (Esq)



From: "Mrs. Abigail P. Johnson" <>
Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 16:17:29 +0100
Dear ,

My name is Abigail P. Johnson,a philanthropist and the CEO /
President, Fidelity Investments Inc, commonly referred to as Fidelity.
The Fidelity Investments Inc is a multinational financial services, it
is the fourth largest asset manager with over $2.4 Trillion USD

I believe strongly in giving while living and I have one idea that
never changed in my mind, that one should use his or her wealth to
help people and I have decided to secretly give $3,000,000.00 Million
USD to randomly selected individuals worldwide.

On receipt of this message, you should count yourself as one of the
lucky individuals, you have been chosen as one of the random
beneficiaries. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so
that I will personally intimate on you on how to receive the fund

Please write me back to my private email to prove that your email is
valid ( )

Yours Sincerely
Mrs. Abigail P. Johnson
Visit my web page to know more about me:
 <Link to Wikipedia article> 

Business Loan

From: << >>
Date: 5 May 2023 05:49:37 -0700
Subject: Business Loan
Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Mark Morris, I’m a financial broker . I recommend
entrepreneurs/viable projects to LC Company investors who are looking
for good business
plan/entrepreneurs to invest and manage funds on a short and long term
at interest rate of 3% for
duration of 12 years.

The investor is ready to fund any kind of projects that requires

Revert back to me if there’s any need of collaboration.

Best regards,
Mark Morris

Mrs Ranka mandic Re: Attention Dear Friend ….

From: "Mrs Ranka mandic"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 10:43:01 -0000
Subject: Re: Attention Dear Friend ....

My name is Mrs Ranka Mandic, a dying woman who has decided to donate
my life entitlement to you/church for humanity services.
I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. Immediately after the death
of my husband, who left me everything he worked for.I am living in
pain and fighting effortlessly to live a normal life but all to no

I am doing this because I have few months to live as a human I
therefore need a reliable fellow to champion my course by receiving
this funds and investing it in a private business and donating thirty
percent of profit generated to the less privilege or if you are not
into any business,you can receive the funds as my next of kin and
assist me in distributing it to the less privilege provided you will
be honest and sincere with me.
Do not bother responding if you are not honest or sincere.

If you are interested , kindly reply to me for further details on the
amount involved and how to go about it.

Kinds Regards
Mrs  Ranka mandic

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