
Loan Offer 3 apply now recommends this site

From: <>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 00:51:36 -0400
Subject: Loan Offer 3% apply now recommends this site

Your friend Loan Offer 3% apply now ( has recommended this site to you, and sends you the following message:

This is to Notify you that Mr.Brent Paul Douglas from KENYA is Currently offering Loan to the needy at a low rate of 3% and with no credit check, they offer Personal loan, debt consolidation loan, venture capital, business loan,education loan, home loan,or loan for any reason if you are interested contact them or call:+254-717-245-352

Loan Amount Needed:
Phone Number:
How did you hear about us:
Did you apply before:

Make sure you contact



From: "The World Bank Group"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 14:43:56 +0100

Our Ref: WBG/PRS/QR/00-201/IW


Attention: Beneficiary,

We picked up your file because it was handled in a terrible way. We received FUND RELEASE ORDER from MR. LIN WEI to receive your payment on your behalf.

Please confirm with department if you have instructed Mr. Wei to receive your payment on your behalf.

Include your full names and telephone number, it will be attached in your payment file.

Mrs. Leanne Mills.
The World Bank Group London, UK.
©2016 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved.

Allison Madueke Re:Please l need your prayer

From: "Allison Madueke" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 23:20:34 +0200
Subject: Re:Please l need your prayer

Please, l need your prayer

My name is Ms Diezani Allison Madueke, the immediate past Nigeria Minister of Petroleum & President of OPEC.

l was recently diagnosed for Cancer, and do not have much time to live according to my doctor.

l have funds depositied in a Security Deposit, l intend for investments (such real estate, Stocks & Bonds, etc), which might interest you. l want to entrust this funds to a God Fearing person / organization / entity. The profits will be channeled toward setting up a Charity Foundations for the less privileged in my name. This is my Life Dream.

Please, get back to me for details.

Read my profile at (Mrs Allison Diezani Madueke) to know more about me and my background.



Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 10:53:39 -0300 (ARGSL-ST)

We can help you with a loan ranging from € 2,000.00 to € 5,000,000.00 at
3.15% interest per year. We are a private company which people in need of
money help without BKR scrutiny.( You can
borrow any amount from us. No further questions, but clear agreements and
clarity for you and us. Together we determine the term of the loan and the
monthly installment to pay.

Please contact us soon and we will contact you for your wishes.
Fast clarity and a good one for you.

Wait no longer, but grab this solution with both hands.

Contact us for a free quote.


Mr. Doug Lebda



From: "From Mrs. Linah Mohohlo" <>
Reply: "From Mrs. Linah Mohohlo" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 21:34:31 +0900 (JST)

From Mrs. Linah Mohohlo
The Governor of the Bank of Botswana.

My Dearest in Christ,

Firstly I would like to introduce myself; my name is Mrs. Linah Mohohlo from Botswana.I am the governor of the Bank of Botswana you can view the profile on the panel members at (LINAH-MOHOHLO) and read about me. Please I know this may come to you as a surprise, because you did not know me. I sincerely need your assistance discretely because of my high business associations, which is the reason why I write to you on a personal level and through divine direction. It is my desire to have a genuinely personal relationship with you.

I deposited the sum of USD$10.5M (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars) with Finance/bank presently. These funds emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract which I executed with the Bank of Botswana. Though I am the person who approved this contract but I honestly never knew at the time that it had been over invoiced. I am now afraid that the government of Botswana might start to investigate on contracts I awarded; presently this money is still with the bank here in South Africa. I suffer from cancer and recently my Doctor informed me that due to my poor health condition I would not be able to stay alive past the next three months due to the cancer. None the less what disturbs me mostly is the stroke I suffered. Having known my condition I decided to donate these funds to a church or better still a Christian individual that will utilize this money the way i am going to instruct here in. I want an individual person or church organization that will use the funds for churches, orphanages, research centers and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that gives, I took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money but my son cannot carry out this work alone. I therefore decided to use some of the money to work for God and live some for my son to have a better future.

My only son is only just 15 year old now and having to grow up without a father he has a low maturity, hence the reason for me taking this bold decision to ask for your assistance. I am not afraid of death hence I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.

I would like you to understand that me contacting you is a divine direction from God; As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact information of the Finance/bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the new beneficiary of the funds. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for a church or Christian individual for this same purpose.

Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here and Please I will like you to contact me immediately you receive this mail so that I will instruct the Finance/bank to transfer this fund into your account contact me via my email:

Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
Mrs. Linah Mohohlo and only Son Favor.
God$B!G(Bs favor is sufficient for me

UN OFFICE Re: Reply.

From: UN OFFICE <>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 22:09:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Reply.

Good day,

This is to notify you that we have just finalized a meeting of the UN
Executive members and the IMF. As a result, your long overdue funds
valued at US$3.5M have been approved for immediate payment.
Based on this, you are required to contact the authorized British Bank
for the immediate release of your funds.

By this arrangement, you are not required to make any payment because
the United Nations have taken care of the necessary transfer fees. We
are working under the auspices of the World Bank, and we intend to speed
up the payment of your funds.

Get back to me immediately to enable me provide you with the contact
information of the authorized paying bank.

Accept our congratulations.

Yours faithfully,

Evelyn Satchella.

Barrister Evans Thomas 24 9 2016

From: "Barrister Evans Thomas"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 15:58:49 +0100
Subject: 24/9/2016

No: 15 Allen Avenue
Ikeja ,Lagos.

Email: {}

Dear Friend

It is obvious that this proposal will come to you as a surprise.This isbecause we have not met before but I am inspired to sending you this email following the huge fund transfer opportunity that will be of mutual benefit to the two of us.

However, I am Barrister Evans Thomas Attorney to the late Engr.Ronald Johnson, a national of Northern American, who used to work with Shell Petroleum Development Company(SPDC) in Nigeria . On the 11th of November,2008. My client,his wife And their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagamu/Lagos Express Road. Unfortunately they all lost their lives in the event of the accident, Since then I have made several inquiries to several Embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful.

After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet to locate any member of his family but of no avail, hence I contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client,I can easily convince the bank with my legal practice that you are the only surviving relation of my client. Otherwise the Estate he left behind will be confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged.Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about $15 million U.S dollars(Fifteen million U.S.America dollars).

Consequently,The bank issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over several years now.I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased,so that the proceeds of this account valued at $15million U.S dollars can be paid to your account and then you and me can share the money. 55% to me and 40% to you,while 5% should be for expenses or tax as your government may require. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through and also forward the following to me:

Your Full Name:
Your House Address:
Your Tele-phone And Fax No:
Your Age and Gender :
Your Nationality:
Your Occupation:

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please get in touch with me VIA this my confidential email {}

Yours Faithfully,

Barr. Evans Thomas . { SAN }

Owusu Owua hi

From: Owusu Owua <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 06:38:41 -1200
Subject: hi

Dear beneficiary,
Introducing myself i am diplomat Nana D. Thompsom from Ghana.
i came to U.S.A. to deliver consignment to company,
kindly note that i have been assign by General Roland Jfk airport
to make delivery of your two boxes consignment discovered
at jfk airport which was abandoned by one
diplomat David Uzor from Africa some years ago and
now declared as an unclaimed box written in your name and favour.
Therefore, the box has been issued to be delivered to you without
delay through our company (GHANA DIPLOMATIC COURIER SERVICE) with an
endorsement / Force of Nature Yellow Tag fee needed from you as
authorized by United Nations Office
new york and north carolina for box delivery permit.
The yellow tag will enable
me gain access through the Airport in your state or country
when arrived with your box.

Your attention is needed to finalize the declaration process
and endorsement of this consignment box to your home as we demand
to have your complete and current delivery address.

1.Your Full Name…
2.Your Address…
3.Your Tel Number….
7.Passport ID Card for identification…

This message is valid for 2 weeks as we have been authorized to
deliver your consignment box within the period by Customs
and the United Nations Assistant Director NC.


Date of Registration: 2015/2016:
Proxy-Disk no: Z562UN8-45
Box Code: bz47/N986/B1PL
U.N. REG NO. (ex. Ordering Checks): PW/AAF/23/2016
Electronic (ex. Direct Deposit/Automatic Payment):$10.5 Million Dollars only
Diplomat Nana D. Thompson

Mrssusann Ak GOOD NEWS

From: Mrssusann Ak <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 18:47:19 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: GOOD NEWS

In accordance to my religious persuasion and total submission to the will of God almighty, I felt expedient to write and inform you on the wicked conspiracy hatched by Dr.David Edward director WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER Benin and Mr Hugh Graham(The foreigner he involved) to divert your approved inheritance funds to their designated account in Europe. From my position as a loyal clerk in this office, I discovered that they moved your fund of US$1.5M to Switzerland Europe several months ago with intention of sharing it between themselves if they had succeeded .

Just Two weeks ago I found out through the Central computer data-base that they are about to re-route your fund from Barclays Bank United Kingdom to Credit Suisse Groupe Switzerland before European Financial Regulators traced the money and informed the Benin financial regulators for verification, I felt that it is important for me to alert you on this development.

They are still using your name and inheritance identification number as the beneficiary but they have changed the account co-ordinate claiming that you were the person who asked them to represent you and authorized them to transferred the money out of Benin to Europe.This was the reason why they asked you for endless fee to frustrate you so as to abandon the claim for them to enrich themselves

I have the reference number of the transaction . Your payment is supposed to go through the Swiss credit control financial clearing house
before finally Lodge into their SWiss account the European financial regulators traced the fund and informed the Benin financial regulators who has involved since last week Friday.

All the data about your claim profile are within my reach. I do not need gratification from you either in cash or kind. I can never be a part of this evil because of my religion. Please respect my discretion in this matter, you can send an email to me so that I can give you the reference number and the name and contact information of the officials of the Benin financial regulatory commission involve now.

NOTE I repeat, please do not expose my person, it is not easy to get employment around here and I cannot contend with these powerful individuals because they can eliminate me just like that. Just stop communicating with either of those men who desperately want to extort money from you to flee particularly the wicked Dr.David Gibson, dont even answer any of their mails again.

Remain Blessed,

Mrs. Susann Akim

Mrs. Kimberly Hills Re:Humanitarian Services.

From: "Mrs. Kimberly Hills" <>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 16:47:53 +0200
Subject: Re:Humanitarian Services.

I am Mrs. Kimberly Hills the wife of late Engineer William Hills We has been married for years before his

sudden death although we were childless. I have been diagnosed with cancer and I have been battling with the

sickness when my late lovely husband was alive.

My Husband left the sum of US $3.800 million United States Dollars in a fix/suspense account in one of the

prime bank in Cote d'Ivoire. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not exceed more than five more months

due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my blood pressure sickness. Having known my condition

I decided to seek for your kind assistance to transfer this fund into your account and you will use it to

train my adopted daughter who is 16yrs. You will take her as your God child and brought her up in a good and

decent manner with what my late husband left behind.

I will give you more details about me and how I inherited all as soon as I receive your reply because I do not

want to state all here until I see your reply, desire and commitment. Please can you treat this as

confidential and keep it as a secret for security reasons between both of us.

My Best Regards.

Mrs. Kimberly Hills

South-East Asia Lottery CONGRATULATIONS

From: "South-East Asia Lottery"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 11:24:52 +0800

Draw no. UN-17K3

It’s been notified by our organization that your e-mail ID has won the sum of 500,000.00 GBP in the SOUTH-EAST ASIA UNITED NATION NATIONAL LOTTERY on our 2016 charity bonanza.

For more information,
Contact: Mr. Donald Peter.
Tel: +447 02403 9864


Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Cleopatra Keith.
(Web-Email Information Manager)

Click here for the baiting


From: "Mr. Ban Ki-Moon" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 20:25:54 -0400

AMOUNT ; $5 Million USD.

Good day, Hope all is well with you and your family, You may not
understand why
this mail came to you.

United Nation have been having a meeting for the past 3 months which
ended 09th,
August 2016 with the World Bank President Mr.Jim Yong Kim and the USA
of State Mr. John Kerry.

This email is to all the people that have been scammed in any part of
the world,
and the people that have lost their properties in the earthquakes and tsunami
United Nations and World Bank have agreed to compensate them with the sum of
$USD5 Million (Five Million United States Dollars) each, this includes every
foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum and people
that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses
that failed
due to Government problems etc.

Your name and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Team
of Economic
c and Financial Crime Commission observers and this is why we are contacting
you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. You are advised
to contact
Mr. Banthoon Lamsam of Barclays Bank Of England, as he is our representative,
contact him immediately for your check/International Bank
Draft of $USD5 Million (Five Million United States Dollars) This funds
are in a
Bank Draft for security purpose so he will send it to you and you can clear it
in any bank of your choice. Therefore, you should send him your full Name and
telephone number with your correct mailing address, where you want him to send
the Draft to you.

Contact Mr. Banthoon Lamsam immediately for your Check:

Good-luck and kind regards,
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
UN making the world a better place

Barrister Larry Morris Esq Attention :

From: Barrister Larry Morris Esq <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 18:14:05 +0000
Subject: Attention :

Attention :

I am Barrister Larry Morris Freedom Chamber, I want to inform you that your fund payment file was brought to my office this morning for me to confiscating your fund base on the director of the western union here in Benin Republic he said I should sign power of attorney to divert your fund to the Government Treasury account just because you can not pay for the fee of your fund which is $155.00 before you start receiving your fund, in his words, he said that you abandon your fund for some times now without hearing from you, my spirit did not allow me to cancel your fund because I know the value and the important of what you are about to loose, I told the director of the western union to wait until I heard from you today and I will know the reason you rejected such amount of Six million five hundred thousand united states dollars ($6.5 million) which I know it will change your life future initially , I don’t see any reason you will abandon the fund because of $155.00 require fee.

I want your urgent response as soon as you receive this email and to explain to me the reason you abandon your fund, or if you don’t need it again then I will send you a power of attorney which you will sign and I will change your name to another person so that the Government will not claim this which belongs to you. I will wait to hear from you as soon as possible, here is my contact Email:( )


Barrister Larry Morris Esq.

Technical Analysis

This Email was sent via a probably hacked Hotmail account douglasantonnnn. They appear to have used Facebook authentication to connect to the account. The Email headers do not give anything away about the origin. The domain is a free Email host that offers a range of “amusing” domain names in the form @mail2{forename}.com.


From: james peter <>
Reply: james peter <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 00:46:30 +0900 (JST)


Good day, this is to inform you that your long overdue Compensation Payment.This department found your name in the Central Computer of the Federal Ministry of Finance among list of unpaid Scam Victim hence you are to update your information by contacting us through this email for immediate confirmation response without delay.

The value capital of the Compensation funds amount to $9.600, 000.00 USD (Nine Million Six Hundred Thousand dollars only) was credited to your favour among the listed names for immediate payment.

However we received an email from one Mr.Williams Johnson, who told us that he is your next of kin and that you died in a car accident last four Months back.

He has also submitted his account information$B!G(Bs to this Department for transfer of the funds credit to him as the next-of-kin to the funds stated herein.

Below are the Account Details submitted by him:

2075 S. Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003
800 788-7000
Acct. name: Williams Johnson
Type: Checking
ABA # 322271627
Acct # 1951204345

We are now verifying by contacting you through your email address as we have in our Bank records before we can make the transfer into his account and for us to conclude confirmation if you are still alive.

You$B!G(Bre supposed to be the last person on the List to receive this Compensation Fund as per the Federal Ministry of Finance Directives on Inheritance Funds Outstanding Payment.

Please, if still alive, do urgently send email confirmation by Filling the form details below as signification you are alive and willingly to receive your funds payment.

In the case of otherwise, kindly fill the below to confirm you are not dead.


Your Full Name….
Full Residential Address (P.O.BOX NOT ALLOWED)
Direct and Current Phone….
Present Country……
passport identification….


Dr.James Peter
Office line +229 98215285
Chief Executive Officer UBA Bank Plc, Benin. Republic


From: Ms Lindiwe Sisulu <>
Reply: Ms Lindiwe Sisulu <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:28:09 +0000 (UTC)



I am Ms. Lindiwe Sisulu, from Republic of South Africa; I served as Minister of Housing during Thabo Mbeki Administration and now working under the administration of President Jacob Zuma . I became the Minister of , Defence and Military Veterans in 2009 till 2012,Minister of Public Service and Administration in and Minister of Transport 2012, currently Minister for Human settlement. Am contacting you concerning an overdue payment I made since when I was a Minister of Defense and Military Veterans at the Value of $25.5 Million United States Dollars which have been endorsed for onward transfer, I seek to know if you could be interested in this transaction as to enable me use your contact as the beneficiary to this fund in question, at the moment I would appreciate if you can work together with my representative so that both of You can finalize the whole deal owing to the fact that I will not like to personally involve myself into this deal considering my present position in the government of South Africa, Kindly contact my representative Frank Ray ( so that both of You can finalize everything about this transaction, you can view my website for more details { and fast track building-houses/.This transaction is 100% genuine as it is an over-invoiced contract which was executed by a foreign firm towards arm supply and executed with the Government of South Africa. I will offer you 30% of the principal and 5% will be for any expenses that both of us may incurred during the course of this transaction. I would like you and my representative to enter into a written agreement to ensure that when this fund is transferred into your account, a different story will not be told.
I will be expecting to hear from you.

God Bless You

Ms Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu

Minister of Human Settlement

Phone: +27622612486



From: "Dr. Smith daye" <>
Reply: "Dr. Smith daye" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 21:47:42 +0900 (JST)

Attn:Payment Notification,

This is to bring to your notice that, I have paid the re-activation fee and the delivery fee of your ATM Debit Card. I paid it because the ATM Card Code is { 8210 }

worth of $9.2 Million Dollars, has less than 247 days to expire and when it expires the money will go into Government purse. With that I decided to help you pay the

money so that the ATM Card will not expire because I know that when you get your ATM Card definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping


Now I want you to contact UPS DELIVERY SERVICE with your Full Contact information’s so that they can deliver your Card to your designated address without any delay.

Like I stated earlier the delivery charges has been paid but I did not pay their security keeping fee since they refused. They refused and the reason is that they do

not know when you are going to contact them and dumorrage might have increase. They told me that their security keeping fees is only sum of $113 usd and I deposited it

yesterday being { 29TH OF SEPTEMBER 2016 Call the director Hon. Dr. Jerry Leo, as soon as you are about to send them the fee with this

contact information below.

Contact Person: DR.JERRY LEO
Telephone: +22999076558

Contact them Today to avoid increase of their keeping fees and let me know once you receive your Card.

Dr. Smith Daye
Federal Republic of Benin West Africa.

Captain Robert Adams Greetings.

From: Captain Robert Adams <>
Reply: Captain Robert Adams <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:14:47 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Greetings.


  • An investment letter from Captain Robert Adams..docx

An investment letter from Captain Robert Adams.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I pray this mail finds you in a state of your sound health and indomitable spirit. Please, I would like to confide in you for a business proposal for you. I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business.

This is a personal email directed to you for your personal consideration alone, I request that it remain and be treated as such only. Though this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it, because it still remains the fastest medium of communication. However, this correspondence is private, and it should be treated in strict confidence. I know it will take you by surprise to receive this information because emails like this flies over the internet telling people about funds and other things. I always receive similar offers from the internet which I normally delete because I believe they are all hoax email from scam artistes.
Let me introduce myself, I am Captain Robert Adams, an American soldier; I am serving in Kabul, Afghanistan. I am 40years old, single parent. You know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs. During our last rescue mission at Kandahar, we came across a trunk box that contains huge amount of money that belongs to the revolutionaries which I believe they use in buying weapons and ammunition, and it was agreed by all Military top officer’s party present that the money will be shared amongst us.

Out of the total fund my share was $9,500,000.00 (Nine Million five hundred thousand US dollars), and I am seeking your assistance to receive/invest the funds in your country in any profitable business, in as much as you can assure me that the money will be used properly until I complete my service here. This is no stolen money, and there are no dangers involved.
We are five military officers who shared the funds each; it is a kind of benefit to us in war zone. If you agree to accept my offer, I’ll talk to those of my comrades so that we can jointly invest the total funds the sum of $47,500.000.00 (Forty Seven million five hundred thousand United States dollars), through you. I want to assure you that this transaction is 100% risk free and movement of funds to you will be confidential that nobody will break the law. Think about it and get back to me for more details. But you must keep all information between you and I alone.
Now Real Estate business is growing rapidly, I decided to contact you for investment partnership. If Real Estate business is not profitable enough and you have Knowledge of business in the following sectors: Real Estate, Tourism, Stock speculation, Film Industries, Mining, Oil, Transportation and Tobacco or a solid background and idea of making good profit in any business, we can invest the funds.

I do not know for how long we will remain here in Kabul Afghanistan, and I have survived two suicide bomb attacks, which prompted me to reach out for help, please if this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly respond back to me and we shall discuss about the conditions and terms.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you.

Yours Faithfully,

Captain Robert Adams.

Contact me via my private email address

sofiabahizire466 Hello dear I m just seeking for serious friendship

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 22:14:54 +0000
Subject: Hello dear, I'm just seeking for serious friendship

Hello my dear friend.
My pleasure to meet you, I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we have not meet or had a previous correspondence.
My name is Ms Sofia Bahizire, I am a single young girl, and I am looking for a mature man with good sense of humor for lasting and serious relationship.
I will like us to be good friends first. I will details more about myself with pictures to you in my next response. hope to hear from you if you are interested
soon. thanks.
Yours sincerely.
Kindly write me back through my alternative email and get access to my pictures and facebook (


From: ruck Taylor <>
Date: 29 Sep 2016 07:06:15 -0400

Dear Sir

With all sincerity and humility it is with deep pains i write you this message of wishful assistance to my predicament. I am Ruck Taylor the only son of last wife to the former president of Liberia who was asked by unanimous decision by the international community to step down from the corridors of power .

I write you this mail under duress and as a result of my recent decision to better the lives of me. I have made a decision which i know might not be good in the sight of man but the present situation has led me to this decision to better the lives of me.

Currently now have decided to make do with the sum of six hundred million us dollars(600.000.000)United States Dollars belonging to my father in which i am a benefiaciary,when he went into exile in Nigeria.

In 2006. On 29 March, My father tried to cross the border into Cameroon through the border town of Gamboru in northeastern Nigeria . His Range Rover with Nigerian diplomatic plates was stopped by border guards, and Taylor ‘s identity was eventually established.State Department staff later reported that significant amounts of cash were found in the vehicle.

Upon his arrival at Roberts International Airport in Harbel , Liberia , Taylor was arrested and handcuffed by LNP officers, who then immediately transferred custody of Taylor to the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). Irish UNMIL soldiers then escorted Taylor aboard a UN helicopter to Freetown, Sierra Leone,where he was delivered to the SCSL.

I have decided to relocate with your assistance to your private account the said sum.My decision was reached when i could not conceive the thought that after the United States Government has promised to let my father go free based on the condition that he should step down Mr.Collin Powell stated in a press briefing that he would be indicted by the court in Netherlands to face charges on war crimes,this is what led to my decision as God Knows that i was never in support of his involvement in the indecent maltreating of innocent people in Politics.

This decision is hard for me to make but i just have to make it for the sake of my me future.Currently the said sum was lodged in a safety deposit box in a financial company Institution which i will disclose to you as a matter of commitment to me and this plea for assistance. I currently have the deposit certificate and can draw up a change of beneficiary mandate to effect you as the beneficiary to the funds.

I am a trained economist by profession and it is in this line that i will want you to take note that your services for assisting me will be compensated to the best of my ability. I have this to look forward to so i would like you to keep this project close to your heart just as myself pending when we reach the conclusive end of this project.

I will want you as a matter of confidentiality to respond through this mail and also include your telephone number as well so that i can give you a call if the need arises as we are currently on political asylum now in west africa. Once get your confirmation that you can be of assistance i will bring you into a clearer picture of the situation at hand. I look forward to your response with great hope of assistance for my personnal EMAIL:

I remain
Yours Truly, Ruck Taylor

Mr. Godwin Emefiele. Our Ref: FGN CBN NIG 06 2016.

From: "Mr. Godwin Emefiele."<>
Reply: <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 16:48:48 +0100
Subject: Our Ref: FGN/CBN/NIG/06/2016.

Zaria Street, Off Samuel Akintola
Street,Garki 11, Garki-Abuja.

Our Ref: FGN/CBN/NIG/06/2016.
Your Ref………………………….

From The Desk Of Mr. Godwin Emefiele. Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
SUBJECT: Dear Valued Customer.

Dear Friend,

I wish to use this medium to inform you that your CONTRACT / INHERITANCE Payment of USD$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million Five Hundred United States Dollars)
from CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA have been RELEASED and APPROVED for onward transfer to you via an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw all the USD$10,500,000.00 in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world.

We have mandated United Bank For Africa, to send you the ATM CARD and
PIN NUMBER which you will use to withdraw all your US$10.5Million Dollars in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum you can
withdraw in a day is US$10,000.00 Only. You are therefore advice to contact the Head of ATM CARD Department of United Bank Africa (UBA);

Contact Person: Mr. Goodluck EBi,
Office email address:

Tell Mr. Goodluck EBi, that you received a message from the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA. Instructing him to send you the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER which you will use to withdraw your USD$10.5 Million Dollars in any ATM SERVICE MACHINE in any part of the world, also send him your direct phone number and contact address where you want him to send the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER to you.

We are very sorry for the plight you have gone in the past years. through Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept our congratulations.

Best Regards.

Mr. Godwin Emefiele.
Executive Governor,
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Access Funding Loan Offer Apply Now

From: Access Funding <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 16:17:22 +0100
Subject: Loan Offer (Apply Now

Good Day

Do you Need a Loan? do you Need a Business set Up Loan? Do you need a
Personal Loan? Or what Kind of Loan Of any Amount from the Rage of
5,000.00 Euro Above do you need? this is to Inform you that you can
get your Loan in Just how Fast as the Applicator can be i Guess you
Know what that means, it Means you alone have the Final Say on How
Fast you Need your Loan funds so if you need a Loan then Contact Us


Name Of Applicant:……………
Address: …………….
City: …………………..
State: ……………………
Country: ………………..
Gender: ………………….
Marital Status: …………….
Income Rate: ……………….
Tell:…………………… …
Amount Requested: ……………
Loan Duration: ………………
Loan Purpose…………………

After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary
answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving
the information we need from you contact our company email :

Mrs. Celina Reed

Deeba Daudi Attention Dear Friend

From: Deeba Daudi <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:02:42 +0000
Subject: Attention Dear Friend

My Dear Friend,

How are you doing today i hope fine with you and people around you? Please
forgive me if i am a disturbance to you, This is very serious, it is only
that i have something important to discuss with you My Name is Mr.Deeba
Daudi,From the Republic of Togo, I will like to ask for your assistance to
resolve and transfer into your account the total sum $9.5 Million Dollars.

Now my questions, Can you handle this project?

If you can sponsor and handle this project consider it and get back to me
as soon as possible. But if you are not interested do not bother to
respond. Contact me directly on my private email:

Mr.Deeba Daudi.


From: "Dr. Ellis Hobbes" <>
Reply: "Dr. Ellis Hobbes" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:59:47 +0200 (CEST)

Good day,

My name is Ellis Hobbes, I work with Santander Bank. I got your contact through my personal intensive research and I decided to contact you in regarding of an unpaid US$38.6 Million from my bank.

This is in line with the instructions of Mrs. Rosa Gumataotao Rios, the USA Treasurer, that all unclaimed funds should be paid into the United States Government Treasury Account as unserviceable funds in compliance to section 3 subsection 1(a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001.

But I have made arrangement on how to move the fund because I am the account officer. I will want us to work together so you will received the payment as the beneficiary, I will provide all the necessity in your name.

Please treat this massage with utmost and get back to me with the following information:

1 Full names: …………
2 Mobile Telephone number: ……..

As soon as I received your response, I will furnish you with more details.


Dr. Ellis Hobbes.

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