

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 05:36:49 +0200

Please read the below message very well so you understand the good work I have done for you,
This is to bring to your notice that because of the impossibility of your fund transfer through the secret Software Diskette Transfer online, I have credited your payment total sum of USD$5,Million Million Dollars Only valid fund into an (Software Diskette Transfer online) AND LOADED ATM MASTER CARD OF TWO MILLION DOLLARS WHICH YOU CAN START WITHDRAW BEFORE YOU START ONLINE TRANSFER ALL INFORMATION INSIDE THE PACKAGE and I have paid the re-activation fee and the delivery of the PACKAGE Diskette Transfer To you and air airport Clearance I paid it because the PAYMENT SOFTWARE DISKETTE TRANSFER worth of US$5, Million Dollars Only, which I have registered with the Express Courier Company Service , for delivery has less than one Month to expire in the custody of the Courier Company Service and when it expires, the diskette money will go into Federal Government of Nigeria Treasury cbn account as unclaimed funds package. because I did his secret payment for you as i explains to all!
my message. my government and New Governor Cbn did not know this secret diskette payment so keep secret, I have done my best for you, what is out of your mind you give me as my share.

Therefore With that I decided to help you pay off the delivery charges money so that the PACKAGE will not expire, because I trust that when you receive your package definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping you Now I want you to contact the Courier ( ) With your physical address you desire the delivery to be made to you so that they can deliver your package to your designated address without any delay and that will be 3days from now.

Like I stated earlier, the crediting re-activation of the software diskette has be done by me when you have diskette you open and done with your computer all the information will open and you start the transfer online which all the Manuel directions booklet is attache to your package how you should carry on the transfer online with your personal computer bit by bit transfer from $200.000. 00 dollars per day transfer into your account next day you start until you made all the transfer of your funds into your account by your self with all the information's pin codes transfer is inside the package,

delivery charges and the company registration charges has been paid by me here is the REGISTERED CODE FCSCB7747., but I did not pay their Official Security Stamp Keeping Fees since they refused, they refused and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and the Demurrage might have increased by then, They told me that their Official stamp Security Keeping Fee is $135 dollars only, and I deposited it on 9th , is only charge you paid them, and they give you air-bills and tracking number after you conclude there requested.

Below is the Contact Information of the Express Courier & Shipping Services
Customer Care.

Contact Person: Mr.Frank Mike
Position: Courier & Shipping Services LTD

Therefore Kindly contact them today and also send them the Official stamp Security Keeping Charge to avoid increase of their fees and let me know once you receive your package , Important Notice, your package was registered as a gift so that the delivery agent will not know the content of your package okay and remember will have already paid the Delivery and other airport clearance charges such as insurance and permit fee. and to avoid my wick government authority not to stop it,

Below is the Registration Information's of your PACKAGE SHIPMENT

Await for your urgent email me

Best Regards

Helen Ubuka

Eze James From the Desk of: Barrister Eze James

From: Eze James <>
Reply: Eze James <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 23:30:22 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: From the Desk of: Barrister Eze James

From the Desk of: Barrister Eze James
22b Betty Pride, Ajao Estate,
airport road,Lagos Nigeria.

Dear Friend,

I would like to solicit for your co-operation in a deal that involves the transfer of US $18.5million to your account for investment projects in your country.

Introduction: My name is Mr. Eze James, I am the personal attorney to Mr.George Kennedy, a national of your country, who worked with Schlumberger Nigeria Ltd. On the 21st of April 2011, my client and his wife and their only daughter were involved in a car accident along Badagry Express Road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I have made several efforts to find any of his relatives but has been unsuccessful.

Before his death, he deposited US $18.5million in a bank here. After my several unsuccessful efforts to locate his possible next of kin, I decided to contact you because the bank has issued me a notice to present his Next of Kin within the next 30 official working days or have the funds returned to the treasury as unclaimed in accordance with existing law/policy. Since I have been unsuccessful in finding my late client relatives for over 4-5 years now, I am actually asking for your help as my partner to present you to the bank as the Next of Kin to late Mr.George Kennedy, so that the funds will be transferred/paid to you and then you and I can share the deposited US $18.5million. I already have some legal documents to support you, these documents will also stand as a proof that you are indeed the next of Kin to late Mr.George Kennedy. All I require from you is your 100% maximum co-operation to enable us achieve this deal.

I can assure you 100% that in this transaction, their is no risk involved, and it is 100% legal, and I will use my position as attorney to late Mr.George Kennedy to help you procure all the required legal papers which will give you full legal protection anywhere in the world.

Note: You may not be anyway related to my late client but I assure you 100% that all would be put in place in accordance with the Law to legally present you as the Next of Kin to late Mr.George Kennedy and legal beneficiary of the deposited US $18.5million, so that the money will be paid to us. I am considering this arrangement because I don't want the funds to be returned as unclaimed. I have will have agree to share the deposited US $18.5million equally between us.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr.Eze James

SAME TIME LOAN Same Time Loan Credit Union.

Reply: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 14:54:31 -0700
Subject: Same Time Loan Credit Union.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Welcome to the Same Time Loan Services. We offer loans at very low interest rates which can be as low as 6.2 per annum. We offer personal, debt consolidation, venture capital, business, education, home loans or loans for any other valid reasons.
Have you been turned down by your bank? Do you have bad credit worthiness, or find it hard to prove your solvency? Do you have unpaid bills? Are you in debt? Do you need to set up a business? We are here to offer you a low interest loan. Our loans range from US$2, 000.00 (Two Thousand United Stated Dollars) to US$ 15, 000,000.00. (Seven Million United Stated Dollars) or ? 2,000.00(Five Thousand Great British pounds) to ? 12,000,000.00 USD (Twelve Million Great British pounds). Depending on the organization or individual profile.

We have friendly consultants who will readily assist you regarding loans or financial issues. We can assist you in selecting the best bank or lender that can offer you a loan at an affordable rate. We offer guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world, to individuals, companies and corporate bodies.
Same Time Loan Service includes:

: Easy Personal Cash Loans
: Personal Cash Loans while Blacklisted
: Quick Personal Cash Loans
: Small Personal Cash Loan

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us with your full name, contact address, occupation and your contact details. Complete the information below for profile creating before an application form can be sent to you.
Full Name: …………………..
Country: ……………………..
Address: …………………….
Purpose of loan: …………..
Occupation: ………………..
Cell No: ……………………..
Amount Needed: …………..
Email: ………………………..



(1)All information must be truthful, accurate, correct and complete.
(2)Your application will be considered based on the information that you provide to us.
(3)No payment is required, but you will be responsible for the loan agreement and legalization/notarizations fees for the certification of your file from a commissioner of oath our legal representative in sum of ? 221.012GBP = $ 289.041 USD, this will only be required after you have received an approval notification from our customer care department via email and sms. Be advised that our financial provider needs your application legalized and notarized before funds can be released to your recipient account as a quadrilateral by our approved legal representative. Which we have to oblige by our financial provider and insurer policy for a smooth processing and finalization of all applicants.
(5) Be informed that the legalization/notarizations fees remitted by borrower after a successful application will be added to your principal loan on payout to your recipient account.
(4)You will be required to sign documents and information will be required from you. Failure to provide accurate information will lead to your application being rejected.
(Our office hours are from 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday–Saturday 9am to 12pm)

Please feel free to contact us regarding your loan. Remember we can assist you whether or not you have been blacklisted.

Belinda Rose

Tel: +1239 300 9200 or +441268833312
Visit us on web:
Email us on:

To unsubscribe from receiving our email, kindly email REMOVE to
To prevent our emails from ending up in your spambox, add as a safe sender!

Central Bank Of Nigeria OK

From: Central Bank Of Nigeria <>
Reply: Central Bank Of Nigeria <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 18:35:53 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: OK






The Central Bank of Nigeria have been directed by the African Development Bank to pay all outstanding debts owed to clients by Africans in connection to your lotto winning, inheritance and contract ,Compensation funds after their meeting of Apex banks in Africa.

In view of the above information, we wish to know if you are aware that one Mr. Mark Wilson of this address 10089 Elizabeth st.Thornton,Colorado 80229,USA with account information as thus,BANK ATLANTIC,ABANO:2677083763,ACCOUNT NO:0067989234,CITY,STATE,ZIP:MIAMI FL33161, wants to claim your fund?

Confirm to be true or false immediately.

Best regards,
Mr.Godwin Emefiele
Governor,Central Bank Of Nigeria(CBN).


From: Madam Arawa <>
Reply: Madam Arawa <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 19:35:08 +0900 (JST)


Dear Child of Gond,

Calvary Greetings in the name of the God Almighty and  the giver of every good thing.

Good day and compliments of the seasons, i know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine my future and continued existence. I am Mrs. Arawa Hara an aging widow of 61 years old suffering from long time illness.

I have some funds I inherited from my late husband Mr. Hara Rex, the sum of (Four Million  Dollars) and I needed a very honest and God fearing devoted child of God who can withdraw this money then use the funds for Charity works. I WISH TOGIVE THIS FUNDS TO YOU FOR CHARITY WORKS. I found your email addressfrom the internet after honest prayers to the LORD to bring me a helper and i decided to contact you if you may be willing and intereste d to handle these trust funds in good faith before anything happens to me.

I am desperately in keen need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you for this task, you must not fail me and the millions of the poor people in our todays WORLD. This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved,100% RISK FREE with full legal proof.
Please kindly respond quickly for further details, reply quick or you will give me room to contact someone else to handle this task on my

Warmest Regards,
Mrs Araw Hara.

Mrs.susannakimm GOOD NEWS

From: "Mrs.susannakimm" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 13:51:29 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: GOOD NEWS

In accordance to my religious persuasion and total submission to the will of God almighty, I felt expedient to write and inform you on the wicked conspiracy hatched by Dr.David Edward director WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER Benin and Mr Hugh Graham(The foreigner he involved) to divert your approved inheritance funds to their designated account in Europe. From my position as a loyal clerk in this office, I discovered that they moved your fund of US$1.5M to Switzerland Europe several months ago with intention of sharing it between themselves if they had succeeded .

Just Two weeks ago I found out through the Central computer data-base that they are about to re-route your fund from Barclays Bank United Kingdom to Credit Suisse Groupe Switzerland before European Financial Regulators traced the money and informed the Benin financial regulators for verification, I felt that it is important for me to alert you on this development.

They are still using your name and inheritance identification number as the beneficiary but they have changed the account co-ordinate claiming that you were the person who asked them to represent you and authorized them to transferred the money out of Benin to Europe.This was the reason why they asked you for endless fee to frustrate you so as to abandon the claim for them to enrich themselves

I have the reference number of the transaction . Your payment is supposed to go through the Swiss credit control financial clearing house
before finally Lodge into their SWiss account the European financial regulators traced the fund and informed the Benin financial regulators who has involved since last week Friday.

All the data about your claim profile are within my reach. I do not need gratification from you either in cash or kind. I can never be a part of this evil because of my religion. Please respect my discretion in this matter, you can send an email to me so that I can give you the reference number and the name and contact information of the officials of the Benin financial regulatory commission involve now.

NOTE I repeat, please do not expose my person, it is not easy to get employment around here and I cannot contend with these powerful individuals because they can eliminate me just like that. Just stop communicating with either of those men who desperately want to extort money from you to flee particularly the wicked Dr.David Gibson, dont even answer any of their mails again.

Remain Blessed,

Mrs. Susann Akim


From: Mrs Gloria Young. <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 18:43:43 +0700

I am Mrs Gloria Young I registered Your ATM CARD of USD10.5 with
registration code of (Shipment Code awb 33xzs)To DHL.

contact DHL to received your ATM CARD with this email: Mr Denis Williams.

Telephone +1347-921-1737 Address: 7500 NW 25th St #100, Miami, FL
33122, United States.

Send Your Telephone and home address.

From the Desk Of:Mrs Gloria Young
Citibank FL – Riverside Branch Full Service,
brick and mortar office 1627 Northwest
27thAvenue Miami, FL, 33125.

Frank Andrews Frank Urgent response needed

From: Frank Andrews Frank <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 08:15:07 +0200
Subject: Urgent response needed


My name is Mr. Frank Andrews, Special Adviser, Consultant and
Solicitor at Andrews & Kurth LLP law firm United Kingdom.

Please your attention to this matter will be appreciated. The deceased
customer by Name Mr. Michael who lived at 17 Kensington Palace
Gardens, London, the W8 400, died along with his wife and only son in
a car accident in 2009, he left his properties, including his house in
Yorkshire. He was into mining, oil and gas industry, he was a
successful businessman before he died, late Mr. Michael is my client
who i confirm is related to you because he has the same surname with
you and also from your country, So i want you to get back to me
through my email address ( as soon as you
receive this mail to enable me forward to you all the information you
need to know about my late client your relative so that you will
understand more better as we proceed.

I await your urgent response.

Mr. Frank Andrews

(Special Adviser)
Kurt Andrews
Too Level 16, City
Tower 40 Basinghall
Street London EC2V5DE,


From: Bell Lorris <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 03:06:58 -0300


We have been notice that you have not been paid for long over due grant payment by the UN.

This is due to so corrupt hoodlums and some corrupts government officials who try to divert your money into their private pocket. We have arrange your payment through international ATM CARD. Payment center this is some of the instruction passed by the united nation in respect to all over delayed payment center department will send you your ATMCARD VALUED SUM OF ($8M) Which you are to use in any where in the world.

And the maximum withdrawal is $15,000. So kindly contact the payment center on ( with the bellow information current residential address direct phone number.

Arrangement has been made to procced the delivery through our liable courier agent.
Best read bell lorris
+1 706 503 2156
+229 986 638 26

U.S Department of the Treasury Re: Confirmation of your Payment worth 5.5 million dollars

From: "U.S Department of the Treasury" <>
Reply: "U.S Department of the Treasury" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 09:17:04 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Re: Confirmation of your Payment worth $5.5 million dollars

Payment Notification,

This message is to remind you again to contact Mrs. Janet L. Yellen in Federal Reserve Bank of Washington Dc to receive your $5.5 million Dollars payment. The Federal Reserve Bank in United State will complete you $5.5 million dollars payment without any obligation.

The Bank will not be blame for not releasing this payment to you if you fail to contact them and follow their instruction after this message. Upon your receipt of this message, contact Mrs. Janet L. Yellen in Federal Reserve Bank with below information and request them to Release your $5.5 million dollars payment as I instructed you

Contact Person: Janet L. Yellen, Chair Board of Governor Federal Reserve Bank
Once you contact them with above information, they will process and
Release your $5.5 million dollars to you. Get back to us once you contacted them

Thanks for your understanding
Mr. Jacob J. Lew
Secretary of the Treasury

Financial Support . Do you need a Loan

From: Financial Support $, �. <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 18:17:13 +0100
Subject: Do you need a Loan ?

Do you need a loan? message, urgently
they can offer you a loan at the best interest rate easy loan transfer

Sigurdson Hello

From: "Sigurdson"<>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 18:44:00 +0200
Subject: Hello

I hope this mail meets you in a good condition, you do not know me and neither do I know you. I am not desperate nor in need of help, having known my present health condition I have decided to donate my funds to someone that will utilize it in good faith, I need your assistance to help me use this funds to help those less fortunate in your country. I only want to be sure you are the kind of person I can trust with the following proposal. If you are interested, contact me and i will explain to you in full details.

Mrs Kathleen Sigurdson

Davis Wright Best legitimate Loan Offer of just 2

From: "Davis Wright" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 08:34:15 -0700
Subject: Best legitimate Loan Offer of just 2%

We offer financial service for all your financial needs. We offer loans such as: Personal loans, Debt Consolidation Loan, Venture Capital, Business Loan, Business Start-up, Debt Consolidation, Holiday Expenses, Educational Loan and Home Loan. We have a minimum of 1 year duration policy and a 30 years maximum duration. If you been rejected by your bank, Have bad credit, Have unpaid bills, in in debt, Do you need to set up a business, Well worry no more as we are here to offer you a tremendous offer, with a very low interest rate. Our loan ranges are from $1,000.00 to $200,000,000.00. We also offer loan amount in POUNDS and EURO currency. So grab this opportunity to get the best loan service of the year with no upfront required.

For further Assistance and to any interested party to kindly contact us via email:

Mr John Wright
Finance Manager.

Joseph Williams Urgent Attention

From: Joseph Williams <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:24:13 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Urgent Attention

Urgent Attention

This is officially notify you that your package have successfully arrived at
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport Georgia Usa. Your package
contains the sum of $12,800,000.00 U.S Dollar conveys by high diplomatic agent
Mark Edward by name.

Hopefully this email has reached you to effect the arrangement of delivering
the boxed-cash to you: you're advised to reconfirm your delivery address to the
International Diplomatic Dispatch Agent immediately to enable him deliver the
boxed-consignment to you within the stipulated time.

You are to reconfirm the following information to him immediately.

(1)Your Full Name: _______________
(2)Mobile Phone Number: ___________
(3)Current Home Address: ______________
(4)Name of your Nearest Airport: ______________
(5)A Copy of Your ID for Identification: ______

Contact Name: Mr. Mark Edward
Contact Email:
Contact Number +1(404)719-5474

He is waiting to hear from you with the needed information. Note; the agent is
not in the known of the actual content as fiscal cash; however shall declare
the content to him as Sensitive family effects. Therefore he should not be in
the known of the content please. Be warned! So you will safely collect your
payment to avoid hoaxes since you were disappointed in the past.

Yours in services
Mr. Joseph Williams

Jerry Starnes Dearest Beloved

From: Jerry Starnes <>
Reply: Jerry Starnes <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 14:31:00 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Dearest Beloved,

Dearest Beloved,
My name is Mr.Jerry Starnes from Texas in the United states of America. I’m currently hospitalized in a private hospital here in Texas as a result of brain cancer. My purpose of writing you is because I was led by the spirit of God to offer you the money that I have in my private account in Abroad now that is clear that I’m approaching the last days of my life. I’m 82 year old and may not even need the money again for any thing. I’m offering you the sum of $5 Million us dollars as a donation for the work of God and charity.When I hear from you, I will direct you on how to receive the money.
Please pray that God will accept my soul even if I die today.
Mr.Jerry Starnes

Mrs.Ghaith Arakkal Re:Humanitarian Services.

From: Mrs.Ghaith Arakkal <>
Reply: <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:11:29 +0200
Subject: Re:Humanitarian Services.

Dearly Beloved,

I am very glad to write you this mail, my name is Mrs.Ghaith Arakkal, I am an Kuwait but have been living in Abidjan , Cote D Ivoire for the past 40 years with my family. All the way I lost my husband (Mr.Alex Haddad Arakkal) and two kids in a fatal train crash in 2014

But last year 2015 around Novermber, I was sent a letter of medical check up as my personal doctor testifies that I have lung cancer which can easily take off my life soon.

Am here to donate to the poor and needy, people that need money to survive both students that need money for their education and business people for their investment and for less privilege around the global.

Please contact me for more directives, and if you can still help me to distribute money to orphanages homes in your country and other country's you wish to. I will give more information to you as i await your response immediately.

Best Regards,
Mrs.Ghaith Arakkal.

Mr.Terry Owen Dear Beneficiary

From: "Mr.Terry Owen" <>
Reply: "" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 14:45:52 +0100 (WAT)
Subject: Dear Beneficiary,

Dear Beneficiary,

this is to inform you that your fund has been converted into ATM CARD I
have registered your ATM CARD of $5million US dollar with DHL Express
Courier Company with registration code of ( Shipment Code awb 33xzs).
please Contact with your delivery information such as, Your Name,Your
Address and Your Telephone Number:

Name: Dr.Mark Johnson

I have paid for the Delivery fee.The only fee you have to pay is Insurance
fee only. Please indicate the registration Number Dr.Mark Johnson ask Him
how much is their Insurance fee so that you can pay it.

Best Regards
Mr.Terry Owen

bernard george Dear Friend

From: bernard george <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 12:49:23 +0100
Subject: Dear Friend

Dear Friend

I Am SSgt.Bernard George, a US They are serving at
headquarters. Multinational Corps Afghanistan, III Corps- Camp Victory,
which patrols Kabul province. I am desperately in need of assistance and I
have summoned the courage to contact you. I am currently in Afghanistan and
I found your contact in a zorpia of Internet addresses. I seek you
assistance to evacuate the sum of $ 12,570,000
(twelve million five hundred seventy thousand US dollars) States or in any
insurance of your choice country, so you can be sure it will be safe in
your care until I complete my service here. This is not a stolen money and
no dangers involved. Actually, it's part of the funds that we have
discovered the residence to flee opium farmers in Afghanistan.

I have noUnited States Marine Corps. Afghanistanw found a surefire way to
get the package of Afghanistan for you to collect. I do not know how long I
will be here, as I have been fortunate to have survived a 2 suicide
bombings carried out explosives Pure Divine intervention. This and other
reasons put into

consideration have led me to seek help. If it might be of interest and then
try to contact me and we would work on the necessary paperwork, but I pray
that you are discreet about this mutually beneficial

Contact me through my private so
that I can provide more details.

George SSgt.Bernard


Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 19:35:08 +0900 (JST)

Facebook Corporate Office & Headquarters
1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025

Congratulations From Facebook International Online Lottery!!!

Attention Fund Beneficiary

Facebook the largest Social Networking site valued more than $100 Billion Dollars and also expecting its One Billion Users to come mainly from Mobile devices than desktop Users by 2016, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has decided to boost Users and Companies a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY by Lottery Program and Initial Public Offer said in a press release.

We are very happy to inform you that your name appear on the Facebook International Lottery Promo for the total sum of $1,000,000.00 USD & Brand New Honda 2016 (One Million United States Dollars) which is what you have just won.

Your name was selected in a raffle that was made 25th of September 2016 so we need your fast response so that we can proceed with the process of your winnings.

Your name was selected by Mr. Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Face book (Founder & Chief Executive Officer) The promotion was made to make all Facebook User Benefit from the gain the company made Facebook is a the first and ever largest means of meeting both old and new friend your unique winnings code is (1544) this most not be given to any body until you have your winnings to avoid lost.

The promo was done to serve as a means of appreciation to visitors on our site and also to help people to fight off poverty and to maintain the standard of living.

However for the purpose of proper verification among other relevant information, it is imperative that you forward your claims to our claim department with the below details.

You are advised to contact the payment and the head office department of your Funds and with your details:

1 Full Name—–



4. YOUR AGE: —


6. Home Equity {YES OR NO}. —-

6. Identity/Sex. —:

With the email below so that they can proceed with the process of your winnings.

Contact Name Mrs Ruth Williams
Email: (

Leave a voice message stating your name to the office of Facebook Promo Coordinator Mr. Patrick Widen via Phone: (202) 524-2220

To avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your Ticket, Reference and Batch Numbers in all correspondences.

Acknowledge this mail by replying back immediately.


Thank you.
Patrick Widen
Promo Coordinator

Google Inc Powered By Google

From: Google Inc� <>
Reply: "" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 23:07:19 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: Powered By Google


  • Google Inc.jpg

Dear Google User,

You have been selected as a winner for using Google services. Find attached email with more details.


Matt Brittin.
CEO Google UK.

©2016 Google – Terms & Privacy

Nigel Basheer St Mary s Hospital

From: Nigel Basheer <>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 20:31:13 +0000
Subject: St Mary's Hospital

Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life?
Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price?
Here is an opportunity for you to sell for 500,000 pounds. Interested sellers should contact DR. NIGEL BASHEER, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at
ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL. For more information contact us via Email:

Exit mobile version