
UN Internet Crimes Complaint Center

From: UN <>
Date: 22 Nov 2018 22:39:46 -0800
Subject: Internet Crimes Complaint Center

Internet Crimes Complaint Center
Counter-terrorism Division and Cyber Crime Division
ICC Headquarters/18 Court Road Central Ave

Attention Beneficiary,

I am Mr. Jeffery Hawkins Director in charge of the compensation funds
to scam victims from the Internet Crimes Complaint Center (IC3). It
may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so
many correspondence on the uneasy way which people like you are
treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies across Europe to Africa
and Asia and we have decided to put a stop to that and that is why the
IMF was appointed to monitor your transaction here in united state and
Europe from the (IMF) that your compensation funds gets to you.

After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union
and Money Gram Office, we found your name in Western Union database
among those that have sent money through Western Union to Nigeria and
other country right now we are working hand in hand with Western Union
to track every fraudsters down, do not respond to their e-mails,
letters and phone calls any longer as they are scammers and you should
be very careful to avoid being a victim to fraudsters any longer
because they have nothing to offer you but to rip-off what you have
worked earnestly hard to earn.

In view of the determination and commitment of this New Governmental
policy against cyber crime to ensure that every outstanding foreign
beneficiaries debts are settled, but to our greatest dismay, despite
all the effort made last year to ensure that most foreign
beneficiaries receive their payment, record still show that a lot of
foreign beneficiaries did not receive their payment due to their
inability to settle some outstanding up-front obligation needed by the
Monetary Body.

In this regard a meeting was held between the Board of Directors of
The Internet Crimes Complaint Center (IC3) investigations it was
agreed that you will be compensated with the sum of $1,000,000.00(One
Million United States Dollars) by the Internet Crimes Complaint Center
(IC3) which has set aside as a compensation to everyone who have by
one way or the other sent money to fraudsters in Nigeria and those
country would be paid by the UNITED NATIONS from Counter-terrorism
Division and Cyber Crime Division here in USA.

Get back to me ASAP for further directives; or kindly contact the USA
delegate from the Internet Crimes Complaint Center (IC3)in charge to
handle your fund via these email address (

Yours sincerely,
Jeffery Hawkins
Director In Charge,
Internet Crimes Complaint Center (IC3)

James Abel Very Urgent

From: James Abel <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 22:16:35 -0800
Subject: Very Urgent


How are you doing today? My Name is Mr James Abel, Am from United
Kingdom, Three years ago i lost my two sons and my wife to a
horrifying motor accident while they were away on vacation to

Am a dedicated Christian and i needed someone that I can trust with a
charity work and helping the less privilege of this sinful world that
is why i decided to contact you . I have been Diagnosed with
Esophageal Cancer and according to my Doctor I will die any moment
soon i chose you because i have been badly treated by close associates
and Relatives. we discovered this illness very late due to my laxity
in careering for my health. It has defiled all forms of medicine, and
right now I have only about a few months to live according to medical

I am repented Christian now and God has put it in my mind to give out
the rest of my Money $9,000,000.00(Nine Million USD) to Charity, I
don't trust all the Monks here in the UK due to some experience i had
in the past on the abuse they did to one of my boy before he died
I want you to Distribute these Funds to people that need of and most
importantly to propagate the Gospel of our lord Jesus Christ it. I am
62yrs old and God has really Blessed me with fortunes but now i have
realized that making heaven is better that all this material things of
this world.
If you are willing to assist to do this job for God and sincerely to
carry out my last wish on Earth
kindly respond with your contact information's via my email address

May God richly reward you as you undertake this work.

Best Regards,

Mr James Abel.


Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 05:21:05 +0000 (UTC)

Dear Friend,
I am Douglas Akan(Esq., solicitor and personal lawyer to late Mrs. Sharon, a client of mine, who has a servicing firm affiliated with the National Port Authority here in Accra, Ghana.
She was awarded a contract worth (US$48,850,000.00). Immediately this contract was signed, an initial amount of (US$18.000,000.00) was paid to her as mobilization fee to kick off the contract. She duly completed this contract pending when her remaining balance of (US$30,850,000.00) will be paid to her.
On the 17th June 2014, my client, her husband and their two kids were involved in a ghastly boat capsize at Labadi Beach. Unfortunately, all the occupants in the boat lost their lives. Not too long after her untimely death, her outstanding balance of US$30,850,000.00 was approved and deposited in a Bank here.
Right now the funds are still floating unclaimed in the suspense account of the offshore correspondence payment center here. I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client, so that we can be paid the remaining balance of her contract funds left in the Bank, hence I contacted you.
I am offering you this opportunity by contacting you to assist in repatriating the fund and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or un-serviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit were lodged. The National Port Authority issued me a notice as the Attorney to the deceased to provide the Next of Kin or have the Account confiscated in a shot period of time since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years plus that I have been searching.
I seek your concept to present you as the Next of Kin or family member to the deceased since you are at an advantage, since you are a foreigner, so that the proceeds of this remaining balance of her contract funds valued at US $30,850,000.00) can be paid to you. We shall both share the funds, we will agree on the sharing ratio as we proceed, As certain amount will be for any in cured expenses and for donation to charitable organizations.
I have all the necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up any claim we may make, all I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this project through, I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law after the transfer is done, and then you and l can share the fund.
Best Regards.Douglas Akan (Esq.

Loans Re:Financial Breakthrough

From: "Loans" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 13:52:25 +1100
Subject: Re:Financial Breakthrough

Do you need financial support for your business or personal purpose? We
offer cheap and fast loans. This is a special loan package at a
rate. Contact us for more info.

Bryant Gibson,
Treadstone Funding.

Tiana I can share with you a sure way to get wealthy.

From: "Tiana" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 21:42:53 +0100
Subject: I can share with you a sure way to get wealthy.


Hope your week is going as great as mine – this week I raked in 20 thousand, and this is not new to me. Are you interested to find out more about how this is at all possible?

I'm presently looking to expand and require a few dedicated individuals to provide assistance. Surely, I realize that means sharing my secrets, which will actually make you an incredibly successful and affluent person, too, but there is sufficient money in that industry for everyone.

So, if that offer sounds interesting, please get back to me. There are no fine prints here – but I'm sure you will like what you see.

John Alfred Investment with you

From: John Alfred <>
Reply: John Alfred <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:26:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Investment with you

I am Mr John Alfred, I have a good investment proposal for you.. Please kindly reply for briefs and procedures.

Best regards,
Mr John Alfred
+44 1315104410

info Coca Cola Winnings

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:40:24 +0200
Subject: Coca Cola Winnings

Hello, Coca Cola Bottling Company would like to inform you that your email has been randomly selected as one of our lucky winners for the 1,000,000 Coca Cola Worldwide Christmas Lottery 2018 (ONLY ONE MILLION LARGE BRITISH POUND). Contact us now to claim and for more information:

Miguel Celine Sorry if i approached you wrongly My name is Celi…

From: Miguel Celine <>
Reply: Miguel Celine <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 01:01:44 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Sorry if i approached you wrongly, My name is Celi...

I would be grateful for your prompt reply.
Mrs. Celine Migue
The Email contained an excessively large subject. For aesthethic reasons we have truncated the message in the title and reproduce the full subject below.

Sorry if i approached you wrongly, My name is Celine Miguel from Sierra Leone. l am 30 years old. l really need your assistance. My husband died two years ago and the family members want to kill me and my children and seat on the inheritance he left for us in the bank, l am now in a hiding place with my kids and the documents of inheritance is with us. Please help us to have this fund transferred to your country and we will fly to join you. Reply me for more details concerning this matter i have all the vital document ment for this deposit

Dr. Michael Collins Last Notice on your Interest Payment via Certified Bank Draft.

From: "Dr. Michael Collins" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 15:42:14 +0100
Subject: Last Notice on your Interest Payment via Certified Bank Draft.

From: Dr.Michael Collins
Director, NDIC Unit
Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

Attention: Sir/Madam,

Re: Release of your Accrued Interest Payment via Certified Bank Draft.

The management of Ecobank Nigeria Plc through International
Collaboration/Networking of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation
(NDIC), wishes to inform you about your interest sum of US$870,000.00
that was accrued from your inheritance sum, which we have been notify
by the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) of World
Bank of Switzerland to release to you.

We want to use this medium inform you that the above interest has been
approved for payment to your through International Certified Bank
Draft, and the draft has been raised in your favor and ready for
delivery to you, which you are required to provide us with your full
name and current contact address together with your direct telephone
number for the delivery of your draft to you.

Meanwhile, be informed that we shall be delivering this draft to you
through FedEx Express Delivery to your house address, which you shall
lodge to any bank of your choice, and it will take only 48hrs to get
to you.

More so, you are to note that you should take care of the draft
delivery fee of US$85 is payable to the FedEx Express delivery chief
cashier officer here in Nigeria, and this courier service charges
should be made either by western union money transfer or money gram.

In view of that, the above offices will not be held responsible for
your inability to respond to this official letter within 2 banking
days, because the World bank has given us a 4 working days mandate to
conclude with this transaction.

In case if you need any clarification, do not hesitate to ask, we are
always there to meet your needs.

On behalf of
Ecobank Nigeria Plc
Dr.Michael Collins
Director, NDIC Unit
Ecobank Nigeria Plc
Call my direct line: +234-7013576747

Rubie I m giving you a chance to earn big – fast and easy.

From: "Rubie" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 14:53:24 +0100
Subject: I'm giving you a chance to earn big - fast and easy.


I'm contacting you to offer an opportunity of making awesome money by looking into an incredible investment opportunity. If you always wished you could be so filthy rich you don't have to consider the prices at most luxurious restaurants, this one is just what you need.

Let me get your take on that: what would you say if there was an opportunity of earning 20 grand a week, totally legitimately and securely, significantly improving your financial state. If you are eager to know how this could be swung, I will be happy to talk more.

So, let me know – you are about to get richer than you could ever imagine!


From: "Mr. Husam Al Sayed" <>
Reply: "Mr. Husam Al Sayed" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:20:05 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, Dear Friend.
My greetings to you and your family

I am the General Manager Human Resources of Emirates NBD UAE. I contacted you because I have something good, business valued at US$30,000,000.00 (Thirty Million United State Dollars) ,I want us to partner and work together that will benefit the both of us. I will explain in details in my next email if you are interested to handle the business with me,
Have a nice day..


Mr. Husam Al Sayed
General Manager Human Resources
Emirates NBD, Dubai U.A.E


From: Mr Rhaji Haid <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:54:22 +0200

Dear Friend

You may be surprise to receive this mail since you dont know me
personally, but with due respect, trust and humility, I write to you
this proposal. I am Mr. Rhaji Haid the son of MrTariq Haid of Darfur
Sudan. It is indeed my pleasure to contact you for assistance of a
business venture which I intend to establish in a country with a
stable economy.

I got your contact while I was doing a private research on the
Internet for a reliable and capable foreign partner that will assist
me and my family to transfer a fund to a personal or private account
for investment purpose. Though I have not met with you before, but
considering the recent political instabilities in my country, I
believe one has to risk confiding in success sometimes in life.

There is this huge amount of money (US$18 Million.) EIGHTEEN MILLION
UNITED STATES DOLLARS ) which my late Father deposited here in South
Africa awaiting claim before he was assassinated by unknown persons
during this war in Darfur Sudan.

Now I have decided to invest this money in a stable economy country or
anywhere safe for security and political reasons. I want you to help
me retrieve this money for onward transfer to any designated bank
account of your choice for investment purposes on these areas below:

1) Transport Industry

2) Mechanized agriculture.

3} Estate investment

I will then furnish you with more details and I have mutually agreed
to compensate you with 30% which is your share for assisting me, and
5% for any expenses that might be incurred by both parties in the
course of the transaction. Then the remaining 65% will be for me and
my family, which you will help us to invest in your country.

Please, you can contact me through this Email
all require is your honest & kind co-operation.

I will give you further details as soon as you show interest in helping me.

I wait for your kind consideration to my proposal.

Best Regards,

Mr.Rhaji Haid

emmanuela dupond job canada

From: emmanuela dupond <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:35:21 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: job canada

customer, employees
qualified as: Receptionist
secretary-accountant – Hotels –
catering-security agent
Chauffeur- maid-valet
hotel- hotel-cook waiter
of hotel director commercial-director
general director of
accounting-chief of rank-direction
hotel-massage therapist
hotel-hotel keeper, car
hotel-seller washing in the bar
hotel (male and female); post at
to provide for a long mission
Temping. If interested,
please send us your CV for
a possible hiring. Job offer
valid for Europe, Africa, Asia and
Americas. The hotel will pay for
travel tickets and
accommodation etc.

If you are interested contact us and leave us your CVare you intressted ?

touruoura makira Ms. Makira Taruoura

From: touruoura makira <>
Reply: touruoura makira <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:26:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Ms. Makira Taruoura

Good morning,

dear Sir With respect and humanity, I write to you for humanitarian reasons, but it is not obligatory and I do not oblige you to honor your will .. I also want to assure you that this is 100% risk free, do not worry and do not be discouraged by the poor experience of society these days, because some people try to use the unfortunate situation of people like us to explore innocent souls like you, there are still real people in the world today.

Your desire to establish a charitable foundation in your country with the sum of 11 million US dollars (11 million US dollars) and the diamonds I inherited from my deceased husband (Henri D. Taruoura) he was director of a mine.

I want to see this money invested in any organization in your country in real estate and hospitals, schools, the poor or the people you could have considering the benefits of the less fortunate. I thank you in advance for your attention and I await your answer for more details.

Ms. Makira Taruoura


UN Economic Commission Your Fund Card

From: UN Economic Commission <>
Reply: UN Economic Commission <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:11:40 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Your Fund Card

The United Nations
Economic Commission for Africa
International Banking Sector
1.United Nations Plaza
New York 10017
Tel/Fax: 212 591 6151

Your file was submitted to this office under on scam victim Rehabilitation Award in the tune of US$5,500,000.0(Five Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
Kindly reconfirm the information as below,
(2)Receiving Address:
(3)Cell Phone No:
Waiver have been secured in your favor for the registration and delivery of the sum to your address via ATM VISA CARD.
Prompt response will expedite the shipment process.
Yours truly,
Mr Yakubu-Amaru
(Director Economic Commission)

MRS.HELEN SMITH Re Mrs Helen Smith.

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 06:18:33 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re,Mrs Helen Smith.

My Dearest one i greet you,

My name is Mrs Helen Smith, widow to late Patrick Smith. I am suffering from Cancer of the breast.Since my doctor said i can't live more than 4 months again.I will want you to claim my funds 52.5 million United States Dollars, and help my only son Joseph as well distribute part of it to the charity The funds are in a Finance Firm I will give you 30% of the total fund for your assistance.

1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust ?

I wait your response for more details.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs Helen Smith.

Francoise Discover how very affluent people make their profits.

From: "Francoise" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 03:48:42 +0100
Subject: Discover how very affluent people make their profits.

Good day, dear friend!

Looking over this will take less than a minute, and yet it can have a profound impact on your life going forward. I am aware a sure way to get rich making solid investments with guaranteed profits – as this is how I became so successful.

If you are interested enough to wish to make thousands weekly, and if you feel like you can take all that money, I suggest you get back to me now. It will take some learning at first, but once I pass my wisdom on to you – I'm sure you will be hugely successful, my friend.

Looking forward to your fast response and hope you don't start doubting yourself, as things are about to get really great for you.

Jessika 20 grand every single week – interested

From: "Jessika" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 02:55:35 +0100
Subject: 20 grand every single week - interested?

Hello! There is a question you might want to answer: how would you feel about making $20,000 a week?

I know it sounds difficult to believe to be true – but keep in mind that individuals making immense profits are not going to regret you choosing to play it safe and stop reading now. What I'm offering is on the table not because of my philanthropy rather than a real need for some assistance – sometimes earning big money takes a lot of hands on deck.

Right now I'm seeking partners in different places. If you are eager to know more, please get in touch and we'll have a talk about it.

Merisa Williams Congratulations your payment is ready

From: "Merisa Williams" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 22:57:33 -0800
Subject: Congratulations! your payment is ready


I am Merisa Williams, an American. I reside in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I fell victim to African scam two years ago, It took me a while and I decided to travel with my Son to FBI office in WASHINGTON D.C with every proof, right there (FBI Chris Swecker Assistant Director (AD) for the Criminal Investigative Division (CID).) showed me various inheritance, dating, lottery letters used by African scammers that was when it was clear to me that i have been duped. He congratulate my courage and contacted the Nigeria embassy in the US and after some hours in his office, I was asked by the FBI officer to come back the next week.

When I did the FBI officer gave me the contact of one Mr. Nathaniel Valvade who is a representative of the United States of America Public Affairs Section and a member of the compensation award committee currently in Texas to handle all unfinished transaction to their respective owners. When I contacted him, he explained everything and told me that who so ever is contacting us through emails are fake that I should fly down to Texas to see things for myself which I did and he took me to the paying bank for the claim of my compensation fund.

I have finally received my compensation fund of US$930.000.00. Moreover, Nathaniel showed me the full Information of those that are yet to receive their compensation fund, this was how I came across your email address and your name.

The only Money I paid after I meet with Nathaniel Valvade was just $850 for processing fee. So I am advising you to contact Nathaniel through his office email address ( for your own money including the money you lost to those scammers. Take it very serious. Contact him right now and send your telephone number and your residential address to him for him to commence with the preparation of the ownership paper work with your information.

Thank you & God bless you.

Merisa Williams.
416 29TH ST S Saint Petersburg,
Florida 33712.

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